Deborah Pate is a licensed chiropractor and a diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Radiology. A 1982 graduate of National College of Chiropractic, she was the first chiropractor accepted into a fellowship in osteoradiology at the medical center of the University of California, at San Diego.
Dr. Pate served as a research associate in the radiology department at the VA hospital from 1984 to 1986, and as chiropractic director of the American Chiropractic Network (now American Specialty Health Plans), both in San Diego, California, for several years. Still a consultant for several insurance companies, she has practiced as a clinician and radiology consultant since 1984, and maintains a radiology consulting practice.
Dr. Pate is also a state-appointed qualified medical examiner and a certified disability evaluator. She has taught postgraduate courses at Parker College of Chiropractic, Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, the University of California at San Diego, and other respected institutions.
Previous Articles
Sarcopenia: Diagnosis and Management - Are We Missing an Opportunity?
March 1, 2025 (Vol. 43, Issue 3)
Brain Bleed
September 1, 2024 (Vol. 42, Issue 09)
Dead Butt: Gluteal Amnesia
February 1 2024 (Vol. 42, Issue 02)
An Unusual Case of Foot Drop
November 1, 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 11)
Achilles Tendon Rupture: The Chiropractor's Role
July 1, 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 07)
Spotting Heterotropic Ossification
May 1, 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 05)
Osteoporosis: A Missed Opportunity (Pt. 2)
January 1, 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 01)
Osteoporosis: A Missed Opportunity (Pt. 1)
December 1, 2022 (Vol. 40, Issue 12)
The Challenge of Knee OA and the Potential of Manual Therapy
August 1, 2022 (Vol. 40, Issue 08)
Orthopedic Elective Surgery: What Every DC Should Know (Pt. 2)
January 1, 2022 (Vol. 40, Issue 01)
Orthopedic Elective Surgery: What Every DC Should Know (Pt. 1)
December 1, 2021 (Vol. 39, Issue 12)
Klippel-Feil Syndrome
July 1, 2021 (Vol. 39, Issue 07)
Spinopelvic Stiffness and Hip Replacement Failure
May 1, 2021 (Vol. 39, Issue 05)
Managing Osteoporosis: What DCs Can Offer
December 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 12)
Diagnosing Osteoporosis, Pt. 1: It's Not Just About DXA
November 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 11)
Calcific Plaque Formation in the Abdominal Aorta
August 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 08)
Evaluating the TMJ: Imaging & Diagnostic Considerations
April 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 04)
What's Your Diagnosis? Pain After Total Hip Arthroplasty
January 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 01)
Pain & Rash on the Low Back: What's Your Diagnosis?
August 1, 2019 (Vol. 37, Issue 08)
Digital Dilemma: Issues With Post-Processing Collimation
January 1, 2019 (Vol. 37, Issue 01)
Why Take X-Rays When You Already Have an MRI?
August 1, 2018 (Vol. 36, Issue 08)
Ankylosing Spondylitis: When X-Rays Don't Tell the Story
May 1, 2018 (Vol. 36, Issue 05)
Paget's Disease in the Spine: Not So Easy to Recognize
December 1, 2017 (Vol. 35, Issue 12)
How to Correct a Cuboid Subluxation
April 1, 2017 (Vol. 35, Issue 04)
Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes (Pt. 2)
December 1, 2016 (Vol. 34, Issue 18)
Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes (Part 1)
October 1, 2016 (Vol. 34, Issue 16)
How Many of Your Patients Have Sarcopenia?
May 1, 2016 (Vol. 34, Issue 09)
A Giant in Chiropractic Radiology: Remembering Dr. Lindsay Rowe (1956-2016)
March 15, 2016 (Vol. 34, Issue 06)
Osteoporosis Isn't Always the Case
January 15, 2016 (Vol. 34, Issue 02)
No Need for Alarm: Normal Laryngeal Cartilage Calcifications
September 1, 2015 (Vol. 33, Issue 17)
Nomenclature and Classification of Lumbar Disc Pathology: Version 2.0
July 1, 2015 (Vol. 33, Issue 13)
Atypical Femoral Fractures and Bisphosphonate Use: What to Watch For
March 15, 2015 (Vol. 33, Issue 06)
Cause-Effect: Vascular Disease and LBP
January 1, 2015 (Vol. 33, Issue 01)
Understanding and Identifying Pediatric Growth-Plate Fractures
November 15, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 22)
The Arcuate Foramen Can Have Clinical Consequences
July 1, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 13)
Epidural Corticosteroids for Sciatica: More Trouble Than They're Worth
May 15, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 10)
Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacements: A Short Review for Chiropractors
April 1, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 07)
Statin-Induced Myopathy: A Diagnosis We Need to Consider
January 1, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 01)
Clinical Significance of MRI Findings in the Lumbar Spine
August 15, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 16)
Repeating Bone-Density Tests
June 1, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 11)
Statin Myotosis: A Not-So-Rare Cause of Muscle Pain
April 1, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 07)
Retropharyngeal Calcific Tendinitis
February 1, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 03)
The Sesamoids Can Be a Pain
January 1, 2013 (Vol. 31, Issue 01)
CT and Radiation-Related Cancer Risk
November 18, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 24)
Getting a Good View of the Cervicothoracic Junction: Swimmer's Lateral View
September 23, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 20)
Trampoline Fracture: An Avoidable Injury
July 15, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 15)
Posterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome (PAIS)
June 3, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 12)
Imaging the Sacrum and Coccyx: Review of Technique in the Weight-Bearing Position
April 9, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 08)
Normal Radiographic Differences Between the Adult and Pediatric Cervical Spine
February 12, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 04)
Taking a Wrist Series: It's About the Carpals
January 15, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 02)
The Ischial Spine: A Radiographic Sign for Acetabular Retroversion
September 23, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 20)
Radiographic Assessment of the Patient With a Total Hip Replacement
July 29, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 16)
The Pediatric Elbow: A Review of Fractures
June 3, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 12)
Knee Osteoarthritis: Biomechanical Risks
May 6, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 10)
When Should Women Start Getting Mammograms? A Question of Safety
January 1, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 01)
Musculoskeletal Development and Sports Injuries in Pediatric Patients
October 21, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 22)
Increased Fracture Risk With Proton-Pump Inhibitor Use
September 23, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 20)
Radiation Exposure From CT Scans: Is There Increasing Cause for Concern?
July 29, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 16)
Long-Term Bisphosphonate Use and Increased Fracture Risk
June 17, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 13)
Osteoporosis: Primarily a Nutritional Issue?
April 22, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 09)
Accelerated Bone Maturation in Children
March 12, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 06)
Update on Vertebroplasty: New Research Is Revealing
October 21, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 22)
Scheuermann’s Disease: A Poorly Understood Abnormality of the Adolescent Spine
August 26, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 18)
Fractures of the Proximal Fifth Metatarsal
July 1, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 14)
Review of Common Normal Variants of the Knee
May 6, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 10)
Hip Resurfacing: Not So Good for Women
March 12, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 06)
Femoral Acetabular Impingement
January 15, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 02)
Repetitive-Stress Injuries in Young Athletes
December 16, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 26)
Achilles Tendon Tear Caused by a Common Antibiotic
October 21, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 22)
Osteoporosis in Men
August 26, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 18)
Radiation Exposure: Something to Consider
July 1, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 14)
Managing Bone Loss in Cancer Patients
March 11, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 06)
Bone Marrow Edema
January 15, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 02)
Chest Study vs. Thoracic Study
December 17, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 26)
Vitamin D Alert
August 27, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 18)
Calcium Score: What Is It?
July 2, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 14)
Discitis as a Cause of Lower Back Pain
May 7, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 10)
Treatment of Disk Herniation: New Study Compares Surgical vs. Nonoperative Treatment
January 15, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 02)
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw Associated With Bisphosphonates
November 21, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 24)
Changes in Bone Due to Radiation Therapy
September 1, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 18)
Vertebroplasty for Compression Fractures
May 22, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 11)
Tarlov Cysts: Are They Symptomatic?
January 29, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 03)
Symptoms of Lower Back Pain May Be a Medical Emergency
December 2, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 25)
Abdominal Calcifications Review
October 10, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 21)
Isthmic vs. Degenerative Spondylolisthesis: Using the "Wide Canal Sign"
August 14, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 17)
What Are the Most Common Exercises Recommended for Strengthening the Knee?
June 18, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 13)
Patellar Instability
April 23, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 09)
Tibial Plateau Fracture
March 26, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 07)
A Case of Transient Osteoporosis
January 1, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 01)
Avocados to Guacamole Can Be Dangerous: Axis Fracture From Picking Avocados
November 4, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 23)
Should You Buy/Lease an X-Ray Machine?
September 27, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 20)
Protecting Yourself
August 16, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 17)
Finding My Audience
July 29, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 16)
The Reliability of Mammography
April 8, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 08)
Are You Evaluating Your Patients for Osteoporosis?
March 11, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 06)
The Pseudosubluxation of C2 or C3
September 26, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 20)
The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
November 7, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 23)
Radiologic Techniques for Evaluating Scoliosis
December 19, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 26)
Total Hip Replacements
August 18, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 17)
Facet Syndrome - A Radiographic Enigma
May 23, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 11)
The Skier's Thumb
April 11, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 08)
Pediatric Elbow Injuries
February 28, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 05)
Lunate and Perilunate Dislocations
January 17, 1990 (Vol. 08, Issue 02)
Fixation of the First Rib
November 11, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 23)
Legal Identification of Your Patients' X-Rays
October 11, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 21)
Schmorl's Nodes
September 13, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 19)
August 16, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 17)
Evaluating the Elbow
June 21, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 13)
Postoperative Spine
May 24, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 11)
Stability of the Lumbar Spine
May 24, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 11)
Paravertebral Autonomic Plexus?
April 26, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 09)
March 29, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 07)
Congenital Hip Dislocation
February 1, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 03)
Hemispheric Spondylosclerosis
December 4, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 25)
Inflammatory Process of the Symphysis Pubis
November 6, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 23)
Reference Your Method of Mensuration
October 9, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 21)
Insufficiency Fractures of the Pelvis
September 11, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 19)
The Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
August 14, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 17)
The Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
July 17, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 15)
Trauma to the Growth Plate
July 3, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 14)
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
May 22, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 11)
Is It a Fracture or Is It an Accessory Ossicle?
April 24, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 09)
Lateral Bending Views
February 28, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 05)
Skier's Thumb
January 31, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 03)
Documenting an Active Spondylolysis
December 3, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 25)
Post-traumatic Osteolysis
October 22, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 22)
Update on Determining Technical Factors
September 10, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 19)
Screens, Don't Take them for Granted
July 30, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 16)
Subluxation Is a Radiographic Entity
March 26, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 07)
Legal Identification of Your Patient's X-rays
February 12, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 04)
A Bone Scan Is Not Always the Answer
January 1, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 01)
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis
November 18, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 24)
Common Intrapelvic Soft Tissue Calcification
October 7, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 21)
Variants on the Humerus that Simulate Pathology
September 1, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 18)
Chest X-ray
July 15, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 15)
Projectional Fractures of the Posterior Arch of C1
June 17, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 13)
Osteonecrosis of the Hip
April 22, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 09)
Accessory Bones of the Carpals
February 25, 1994 (Vol. 12, Issue 05)
Lucent Cleft Sign vs. Vacuum Phenomenon
December 18, 1995 (Vol. 13, Issue 26)
Spontaneous Osteonecrosis: A Probable Cause of DJD in the Knee
November 6, 1995 (Vol. 13, Issue 23)
Growth Plate Injuries
August 15, 1995 (Vol. 13, Issue 17)
Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and Management
April 10, 1995 (Vol. 13, Issue 08)
The Pelvis and Osteoporosis
February 27, 1995 (Vol. 13, Issue 05)
Special Views for the Shoulder
January 16, 1995 (Vol. 13, Issue 02)
December 16, 1996 (Vol. 14, Issue 26)
October 7, 1996 (Vol. 14, Issue 21)
Osteophytosis Involving the Sacroiliac Joint
April 22, 1996 (Vol. 14, Issue 09)
Kinematic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
January 29, 1996 (Vol. 14, Issue 03)
Joint Pain in Children, Part VI: Bone Infections in Children
December 1, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 25)
Joint Pain in Children, Part V: Juvenile Chronic Arthritis
October 20, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 22)
Joint Pain in Children, Part IV: Lyme Disease
September 22, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 20)
Joint Pain in Children, Part III: Types of Fractures and Avulsions
July 28, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 16)
Joint Pain in Children, Part II: Osteochondroses
June 16, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 13)
Joint Pain in Children, Part I of VI
May 5, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 10)
Child Abuse
February 10, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 04)
DISH and Stenosis
January 14, 1997 (Vol. 15, Issue 02)
Technical Tips We May Have Forgotten
December 14, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 26)
Careful When Adjusting Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
November 2, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 23)
C2-C3 Subluxations: Pseudo and True
September 21, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 20)
Where to Get Your Own Answers to Medical Questions
August 10, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 17)
Don't Be Passive, Be Assertive: It's Your Health!
June 29, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 14)
Bone Tumors: the Last in a Series on Bone and Joint Pain in Children
January 12, 1998 (Vol. 16, Issue 02)
Radiographic Terms for Disc Herniations
November 15, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 24)
Check Your Physics
October 4, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 21)
CT Is Not Completely Out of Date
August 23, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 18)
Quality Control for Your X-Rays
July 12, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 15)
Limbus Vertebrae
May 31, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 12)
Determining a Diagnosis of Facet Syndrome
April 19, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 09)
Geriatric Patients with THA
March 22, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 07)
Whose X-Rays Are These?
January 26, 1999 (Vol. 17, Issue 03)
Is It a Pseudosubluxation or a True Subluxation?
November 30, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 25)
Why Aren't We Imaging the Carpel Tunnel?
October 16, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 22)
Enthesopathy and Soft Tissue Shadows
September 4, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 19)
Stress Fractures of the Pelvis
July 24, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 16)
Bone Mineral Density Measurement (BMD)
March 20, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 07)
Skiing Injuries to the Hand
February 7, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 04)
Obliques: Which Foramen Are We Looking At?
January 1, 2000 (Vol. 18, Issue 01)
Navicular Bone
November 5, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 23)
Calcific Shadows in the Abdomen
September 24, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 20)
Evaluate Orthopedic Hardware before Adjusting the Patient
July 2, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 14)
Diagnosing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear
May 21, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 11)
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
February 26, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 05)
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear
January 15, 2001 (Vol. 19, Issue 02)
Is it a Chest View or an A-P Thoracic View?
November 18, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 24)
Is it Osteoporosis of Multiple Myeloma
October 8, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 21)
Spina Bifida Occulta
July 1, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 14)
Rotatory Fixation at the C1-C2 level
May 20, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 11)
Shoulders: A Problem of Posture
April 8, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 08)
Patient Education
January 14, 2002 (Vol. 20, Issue 02)
Digital X-Rays
October 6, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 21)
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
August 16, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 17)
Diagnostic Ultrasound
July 14, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 15)
Advances in Computerized Tomography (CT)
June 2, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 12)
An Introduction to Positron Emission Tomography
April 21, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 09)
March 10, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 06)
The Synovial Cyst as a Cause of Facet Syndrome
January 27, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 03)