Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Inaugural Seminar Held on NYCC'S Seneca Falls Campus, Old Brookville, N.Y.
As Autumn came to the new Seneca Falls campus of the New York Chiropractic College, the NYCC's Center for Postgraduate and Continuing Education presented its inaugural seminar on the weekend of November 3rd and 4th.
Doctors of chiropractic from all over New York State, and eight surrounding states were welcomed by NYCC President Dr. Kenneth W. Padgett. Speakers James Grilliot, DC, D.A.C.B.R., and Edward Maurer, DC, D.A.C.B.R., delivered an informative and entertaining 12 hour lecture, "Comprehensive Management of Low Back and Neck Pain."
A lavish cocktail party and dinner followed the lecture series Saturday evening, and was enjoyed by all.
Chiropractic Society of Oregon Holds Elections
The 1991 elections were held at the annual meeting in Portland, Oregon, on Sept. 29, 1990. Elected were: President, Sonja Pulley, D.C., Portland; President-Elect, Maurice Smith, D.C., Oregon City; Vice President, Don Skei, D.C., Newburg; and Secretary-Treasurer, Richard Clifton, D.C., Portland.
NYCC Student Receives F. Lorne Wheaton Scholarship Award
Dorothy Fensterer, a student at the New York Chiropractic College, received the F. Lorne Wheaton $1,500 scholarship award from the Trustees of the Lincoln College Education and Research Fund.
Miss Fensterer received the award based on her aptitude and academic achievements, which she has demonstrated in her professional preparation for entry into the chiropractic profession.
Miss Fenterer said upon receiving the check, "I was very surprised, and extremely honored to have been chosen as the recipient of the prestigious F. Lorne Wheaton scholarship award. I will do my very best to continue to fulfill the high standards and requirements of this scholarship."
In Photo: Dr. Kenneth W. Padgett, President of NYCC, presents the $1,500 scholarship award check to Dorothy Fensterer.
NCC To Use Pro-Chiropractic Defense Attorneys
The National Chiropractic Council (NCC) announced that lawyers used to defend NCC members, insured through NCC's chiropractic malpractice program, must be chiropractic patients and must be educated about the value of chiropractic.
The NCC feels that some lawyers (hired by the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company) do not appear sympathetic to some doctors' cases and somewhat skeptical about chiropractic in general. To avoid this problem, whether actual or perceived, NCC has decided to select only pro-chiropractic defense attorneys to handle NCC claims.
The NCC believes that an attorney educated about chiropractic procedures will better defend a chiropractor being sued for malpractice.
At present, NCC offers its malpractice program only in California.
Business Network Draws Over 20,000 People in Long Island
The New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) participated in a regional Long Island-NYC Business Networking Conference on November 21, held by the Advancement for Commerce and Industry.
The hundreds of visitors stopping by the NYCC booth were handed information on the benefits of Chiropractic Health Care and educational requirements.
For many, it was their first exposure to health care as espoused by chiropractors. For these individuals, it was an awakening for alternative care to medicine.
Photo Caption:
Dr. Margaret Renzetti (representing NYCC) is pictured discussing chiropractic with a visitor to the NYCC booth.
14th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics
The American Society of Biomechanics met in Miami, Florida on November 14-16, 1990. The society was formed to promote interaction among various disciplines in biomechanical research.
Over 100 papers were presented. Discussion was encouraged following the presentations, as a form of peer review.