Chinese & Asian Medicine

China Trip Sells Out!

Editorial Staff

Before the first advertisement reached the chiropractic profession, the 68 spaces available had been taken. Those chiropractors (and their guests) who will be attending, will make up a delegation that will be touring Chinese medical facilities and sharing techniques with Chinese physicians.

This is only the fourth time Dr. John Amaro has accepted an invitation from the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This program is co-sponsored by the Motion Palpation Institute (MPI), the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture (IACA), Texas Chiropractic College and New York Chiropractic College. It has been approved for 35 authorized license renewal credit hours.

The incredible response came from advanced notice given to previous attendees of MPI and IACA seminars. Most respondants could not believe the exclusive price that is being offered for this event.

In order to keep from disappointing any of the DCs who are currently on the waiting list, Dr. Amaro has agreed to schedule another trip in August of 1991. This delegation will be limited to 66 spaces.

Those chiropractors who would like to join Dr. Amaro in August are encouraged to contact his office immediately at (602) 488-9787.

As you may expect, the August 1991 delegation to China will most likely sell out as well.

August 1990
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