NICR Fund Raiser graph
News / Profession

A Gift With a Challenge: NICR Fund Raising Progress Report

Editorial Staff

In the November 6, 1992 issue of "DC," we reported that Dr. William Harris, president and founder of the Foundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Education (FACE), had donated $100,000 to the National Institute of Chiropractic Research (NICR) for research under way at Arizona State University.

Dr. Harris pledged that if the NICR could raise $100,000 by January
15, 1993, that FACE would give an additional $100,000 to the NICR.

As of November 11, 1992, the NICR has collected $11,000, as
depicted on the barometer graph below.

Contributions may be sent to:


National Institute of Chiropractic Research
115 South Royal St., Suite A-52
Alexandria, VA 22314 



"We still have a long way to go to achieve our goal by the 15th of January. With your help, I know we can do it.

-Dr. Arlan W. Fuhr
President, NICR

December 1992
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