Chiropractic (General)

Trending: CBD / Hemp Oil

Editorial Staff

A recent survey of DCs regarding cannabidiol (CBD) / hemp oil provides food for thought as to the viability of CBD-based products as a component of chiropractic patient care. Here are some observations from the executive summary of the survey:

Almost one in four DCs have used a CBD / hemp oil topical product for self-care and report it worked great. Another 10 percent have used such a product and believe it worked as well as a non-CBD topical. Almost 40 percent have not tried a CBD / hemp oil topical yet, but expect to do so.

Nearly a quarter (23 percent) currently use or offer CBD / hemp oil topicals to their patients. More than half are considering offering topical products (56 percent) and sublingual / ingestible products (58 percent).

Almost 60 percent of respondents believe "CBD / hemp oil has health benefits beyond topical pain relief," (34 percent "very true," 26 percent "somewhat true"). When asked what they use or would use CBD / hemp oil sublingual / ingestible products for, inflammation (72 percent), anxiety (61 percent), insomnia (47 percent), PTSD (46 percent) and immune / autoimmune issues (35 percent) were the top choices.

Most DCs believe CBD / hemp oil products have health benefits beyond topical pain relief (59 percent) and are the latest advance in addressing topical pain (57 percent). Only 20 percent believe they are a fad.

Source: MPA Media / DC CBD / Hemp Oil Survey. Completed May 1, 2018.

August 2018
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