In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
Manual Muscle Testing for Cervical Radiculopathy (Pt. 2)
Editor's Note: Part 1 of this digital exclusive appeared in the October 2018 issue.
Dr. John Bandy developed a protocol that associated specific muscles with myotomal nerve root levels.12 The deltoid is associated with the C6 nerve root; the triceps with the C7 nerve root; and the finger abductors with the C8 nerve root.
Muscle Challenges
Bandy tests these three muscle groups or other shoulder girdle muscles. If inhibited, he instructs the patient to try different head positions to see if there is a change in muscle strength. Usually, extension will make a difference and some degree of rotation will bring the muscle back into maximum strength.
The doctor then finds the vector of challenge pressure that will maximize muscle strength while holding the vertebrae in that position. The physician checks and corrects all the neck stabilizing muscles. The vertebrae are adjusted in the direction that maximally strengthens the associated muscles, with the head in the position that also maximally strengthens that muscle.
After adjustment, the doctor rechecks the associated muscle group. If still inhibited, repeat challenge and head position, and observe for strengthening. Adjust with those new parameters. When the muscle has reached maximum strength, use it to re-challenge the associated vertebrae and make appropriate corrections.
Advise the patient to avoid putting his / her head in the position antagonistic to the position that strengthened the associated muscle. For example, if extension strengthened, avoid flexion.
Bandy further suggests12 that the whole-person chiropractic clinician should check for further strengthening of muscles of the neck with:
- Therapy localization to the adrenal neurolymphatic reflexes
- Against a source of sulfates, and if this strengthens:
- Check for liver detoxification
- Check for gut imbalances
- Check against a source of anti-inflammatory nutrients (NSAIDs will often strengthen)
- Check against essential fatty acids, as well as manganese, magnesium, vitamin B6, pyridoxal-5-phosphate, or vitamin E
- Check muscles against therapy localization to gallbladder reflexes
- Check blood sugar imbalances
Encouragingly, Yoss reported that a manual muscle test offers greater specificity than either the sensory or reflex testing, and that single root level involvement can be diagnosed clinically 75-80 percent of the time.13
Cervical Manipulation to Restore Cervical Muscle Weakness
A growing number of researchers report that cervical muscle weakness can be effectively restored using cervical manipulative therapy,14-16 and that correcting muscular dysfunction in the neck covaries with the resolution of the neck pain symptomatology in these reports.
Carrick17 evaluated the results of specific cervical manipulation of 50 patients who demonstrated cervical radiculopathy. The primary method of spinal evaluation was X-ray, including lateral flexion projections. Lateral flexion of the cervical spine should always be associated with vertebral rotation in which the spinous process moves to the convexity of the curve; e.g., on right lateral bending the vertebral body rotates right and the spinous process left. This is considered proper coupling movement of a motion segment.
In most cases, the level of radiculopathy occurred at the level of aberrant coupling movement; that is, at the location where there was no lateral flexion and concomitant rotation. In about 20 percent of the cases, there was demonstrable hypermobility at the clinical level of radiculopathy, which occurred above the aberrant coupling movement. Sensory, deep tendon reflexes and motor power improved as indicated by evaluation of a blind examiner.
Carrick17 concluded that manipulation of the cervical spine must be designed to correct a particular area of dysfunction and the maneuver delivered in a specific manner. It should not be considered conservative therapy; rather, it is a most aggressive non-invasive procedure by which the normal mechanical attitudes of the motion segments can be restored.
"In all cases of cervical radiculopathy where there is demonstrable pathomechanics, it is recommended that manipulation be the primary treatment of choice, and that this therapy be prescribed and administered by qualified clinicians who have had extensive training in this science."
Case Study: AK Management of Cervical Radiculopathy
Maykel reported on the applied kinesiology management of cervical radiculopathy, following two motor-vehicle accidents, in a 37-year-old female. The patient was treated 49 times over a six-month period, and made a complete subjective and functional recovery. A pre-treatment MRI of the cervical spine showed "nucleus pulposus herniation at C5-6 level centrally and to the right," that "appear to impinge on the thecal sac and extend into the right neural foramen."
A CT scan following myelography showed the same findings. A post-treatment MRI of the cervical spine, however, showed that although the herniated disc was still present, the previous "annular bulging" had improved with a reduction in thecal sac impingement, and there was diminished foraminal encroachment (no extension to the right neural foramen on the post-treatment MRI study).18
Goodheart recommends nutritional supplementation in the form of superoxide dismutase (SOD), rather than manganese, which is usually given in applied kinesiology for other disc involvements.19 Prior to treatment, SOD will neutralize the positive challenge and therapy localization when the patient chews the substance. Protection against tissue damage involving muscles, tendons, fascia and the connective tissues is provided by SOD.20
In a model of acute disc herniation, nucleus pulposus disruption caused elevation of epidural interleukin-6 (Il-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interferon-gamma. This model may prove useful for the understanding of the biochemical processes by which nucleus pulposus induces inflammation-induced nerve root irritation and radiculopathy pain.21 SOD in the CSF may play an important role in protecting against nerve-root involvement.22
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