Chiropractic (General)

"Pain in America" Moving Forward

Editor's note: Donald Barrett, writer-producer-director of "Pain in America," the in-the-works documentary high-lighting the epidemic of chronic pain and the value of chiropractic care as part of the multidisciplinary solution, submitted this update on the film's production progress in November:

We've traveled more than 6,000 miles in the past month; 3,000 to capture the thoughts and insights of students, faculties, college/university presidents, world-class researchers, chiropractors who specialize in sports, pediatrics, veterinary and neurology, as well as doctors who are renowned in the field of pain medicine and patients. The results have been astounding and most rewarding.

We began by asking how the healing professions would cope with the 79 million Americans who soon will be crossing the 65-year-old barrier, a time in their lives when they can expect to endure more pain and illness. A challenging question, but we're coming away with answers! The situation is not hopeless and chiropractic will be playing a major role, possibly greater than anyone would imagine.

We're also learning about a new cooperative paradigm, one which will more efficiently treat patients, but using a potentially superior business model that benefits chiropractors and their colleagues. In addition, the almost-universal attitude among medical doctors we've interviewed has been, "We want to learn more about chiropractic and its benefits."

When principal photography is complete, the enormously complex process of post-production begins, but we have an "A" team of seasoned experts in place and ready to roll. Look for a further announcement in January revealing where you can sneak a peek at our first trailer.

December 2012
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