While there may be no “magic bullet” when it comes to health, this should not dissuade patients or practitioners from seeking out ingredients that offer multiple health benefits. When it comes to dietary supplements, there are thousands upon thousands of choices. So, why not choose one that can address pain and assist with mental health? A supplement that can address inflammation, while also preventing certain types of cancer.
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ACC Survey on DCs in Practice
According to recent alumni surveys by Association of Chiropractic Colleges member institutions, 92 percent of doctors of chiropractic are still in practice. The survey results, which aggregated responses from 638 graduates of 14 Doctor of Chiropractic programs, cover graduation years 2005, 2007 and 2009, assessing practice patterns three, five and seven years following graduation. According to the findings, another 1 percent of DCP graduates report they are utilizing their chiropractic education in a teaching capacity, as part of a residency program, etc.
David O'Bryon, ACC executive director, stated that one reason these results are significant is because "The United States Department of Education is interested in outcomes assessments of educational effectiveness. The trend in higher education and accreditation is to focus more on the educational outcomes, rather than the previous focus on the incoming scores and prerequisites."
Dr. Ira Shapiro an ICC Fellow
During ceremonies at the annual meeting of the American Chiropractic Association's Council on Sports Injuries and Physical Fitness, Dr. Ira Shapiro was elected a fellow of the International College of Chiropractors. Dr. Shapiro, who practices in New Jersey, has served on several U.S. Olympic Medical Teams, and has provided care at hundreds of regional, state, national and international athletic events.
"It was my great pleasure to provide Dr. Shapiro with this extremely prestigious designation," said Dr. Philip Santiago, secretary-general of the Federation Internationale de Chiropatique du Sport (FICS). "He is a longtime friend and associate, who continually demonstrates the finest aspects of the profession through the extraordinary care of patients ranging from world-class athletes to local individuals suffering from all forms of painful disorders."