Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
News in Brief
Western States Hires Familiar Face as Dean
The University of Western States recently announced the appointment of Dr. Shelley Simon, a 1981 UWS graduate and longtime columnist for this publication, as new dean of the university's college of chiropractic. Dr. Simon has extensive teaching experience, including service as dean of clinics, president for clinical affairs and vice president for academic affairs at Palmer College, and vice president of academic affairs and interim president at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. In addition to her doctorate in chiropractic, Dr. Simon holds degrees in nursing, public health education / promotion, and educational leadership / postsecondary education.
"Dr. Simon's focus on professional development will be an asset to the institution, and she will be an important member of the senior administration team," said UWS President Dr. Joseph Brimhall.
2012 NBCE Election Results
Dr. Norman Ouzts Jr. is the new president of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, which held elections during the board's annual meeting in San Antonio in late April. Joining Dr. Ouzts Jr. (who was also re-elected to a three-year term as District V director) on the executive committee are Dr. Donna Craft (vice president), who also continues her term as District II director; Dr. Oliver Smith Jr., re-elected secretary (and continuing at-large term); and Dr. Paul Morin, re-elected treasurer and also re-elected to a three-year term as District III director.
Rounding out the 11-member NBCE board are Dr. Robin Lecy (District I director), Dr. Ronald Tripp Jr. (District IV director), Dr. Daniel Saint-Germain (elected to at-large position), Dr. Steven Conway (elected to at-large position), Dr. Salvatore LaRusso (continuing at-large term), Dr. Lawrence O'Connor (president of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards) and Dr. LeRoy Otto (FCLB vice president).
South Africa to Host WFC Silver Anniversary Congress
The World Federation of Chiropractic's silver anniversary congress, celebrating the organization's 25 years of leadership, support and outreach within the chiropractic profession worldwide, will take place next April in Durban, South Africa. Event registration is now open; for more information visit
Two New Positions Filled at Logan College
Brad Hough, PhD, has been named chief information officer at Logan College of Chiropractic, while Dr. Martha Kaeser, a 2008 graduate of Logan College, joins the institution as the director of clinical assessment. Both positions are new to the school. Logan President Dr. George Goodman announced the appointments in May.
Greenawalt Named ICA Fellow
The International ChiropractorsAssociation's latest DistinguishedFellow is none other thanKent Greenawalt, chairman ofthe Foundation for ChiropracticProgress and CEO of Foot Levelers,Inc. The majority of ICA fellowsare doctors of chiropractic, whichmakes Greenawalt's inclusion particularlynoteworthy.
"I specifically nominated Kentfor his vision, steadfastness, andgenerosity in bringing the [Foundationfor Chiropractic Progress] intoreality and sustaining it over time,"said Dr. Gerry Clum, a longtimemember of the ICA board. "[The]ICA is impressed with all his workand wanted to recognize his leadershipin the F4CP efforts."
"I am honored from the bottomof my heart to be elected into thedistinguished fellows of the ICA,"said Greenawalt upon being namedan ICA fellow. "My involvement isa labor of love. I've witnessed thewonders of chiropractic and feel anabsolute passion to let humanityknow what chiropractic has to offer."
Dr. Vern Saboe, lobbyist forthe Oregon Chiropractic Association,reported on Oregon's new healthcare legislation in the June 3 issueand speculated it may prove to bea model for health care nationwide:"We are moving away fromfee for service to a global budgetadministered by the coming CCOs,which may not discriminate againstchiropractic physicians' participationor reimbursement ... What we havecreated will go a long way in achievinga level playing field for our chiropracticcolleagues and may serve as amodel for the entire nation when itcomes to equality in health care."
While the information in thearticle was factual, an error appearedin the print version of Dr. Saboe's bio.He is not pursuing a master's degreein clinical chiropractic orthopedicsfrom Northwestern Health SciencesUniversity, although he hopes to; theprogram is under development.