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News in Brief

Editorial Staff

APHA Annual Meeting - A Call for Abstracts

The Chiropractic Health Care Section of the American Public Health Association wants your abstracts for presentation at the 2006 APHA Annual Meeting in Boston, Nov. 4-8, 2006. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 13, 2006; topics related to chiropractic health care and this year's theme, "Public Health and Human Rights," will receive top priority.

Other suggested abstract topics include: Community Advancement and Professional Responsibility; Developing Policy and Defining Practice; Dietary Supplements: Evidence for Use, Interactions with Foods and Medicines; Healthcare Disparities and Access to Service; Injury Care and Prevention; Professionalism and Ethics in Chiropractic; Public Health Education and Service in Chiropractic; and Status of Chiropractic Research.

Requirements for submitting an abstract are as follows: The submission must be an original empirical work (scientific studies, program evaluations) or organizational case studies, or present significant advances in methodology or analysis; innovative integrative scholarship and scientific work; programmatic reports of significant research infrastructure development; programmatic reports of health professions curricular development or educational research; substantive policy analysis (systems-wide assessments or policy case studies); informative reports on program or project management and development; and other similarly noteworthy, innovative or informative reports and studies.

Abstracts are limited to 250 words and must not have been presented or published prior to the annual meeting. Abstracts must be submitted electronically to

Date Change for NCLC 2006

The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has rescheduled its 2006 National Chiropractic Legislative Conference at the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, D.C. The event is now scheduled for March 25-28, 2006. The change was made after the ACA learned the Senate's 2006 calendar included an unexpected break from March 20-24, 2006.

"For four days, in the spotlight of the nation's capital, NCLC will focus on the state and federal legislative and regulatory issues that impact doctors of chiropractic and their patients," said ACA President Richard G. Brassard, DC. "By holding the conference at a different time during the week - from Saturday to Tuesday - we'll be able to reach a larger congressional audience and educate them about the important role chiropractic plays in our nation's health care system."

For more information about NCLC 2006, visit To register, contact Jamie Bjorndahl at (703) 812-0249 or

January 2006
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