In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
WFC Quarterly Report
Editor's note: Due to space constraints and other variables, not all material included in the WFC Quarterly Report for Sept. 30, 2005, is featured in this article. |
Canada: Sports chiropractic is alive and well in Canada. The Canadian Olympic Committee has appointed Dr. Brian Seaman of Halifax, Nova Scotia, to the health care team for the 2006 Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy. Dr. Seaman (a 1982 graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College) is a past president of the College of Chiropractic Sports Sciences (Canada). Others on the Olympic health care team are Dr. Greg Uchacz (Palmer 1992), appointed by bobsleigh/skeleton; and Dr. Richard Robinson (Palmer 1996), appointed by freestyle skiing.
Drs. Uchacz and Robinson both practice in Calgary, Alberta.
The Canadian Chiropractic Association and the Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulatory Boards are about to release the first of a series of new clinical practice guidelines - a comprehensive guideline on evidence-based treatment of adult neck pain not due to whiplash. As of press time, this guideline is scheduled to be posted at the CCA Web site,, during October. On one hand, this will confirm that there is still little high-quality research evidence to support any treatments by any health professionals for such pain. On the other hand, it will conclude that a course of adjustments, whether high or low velocity, does reduce pain and increase ranges of motion in the cervical spine in the short and medium term, is safe and is recommended "multi-modal" care; adding home or clinic-based exercise, one of several PT modalities and education to manual care also is recommended. This guideline, prepared by a well-qualified multidisciplinary guidelines development committee and evidently state-of-the-art, represents a complete answer to critics campaigning for restriction of chiropractic manipulation.
Chile: The chiropractic profession has been forced by others into the "complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)" or "complementary and alternative health care (CAHC)" basket and has never been comfortable with that. It is clear from the WFC's electronic survey of chiropractors worldwide [in October 2004] that the profession wants to be positioned as part of mainstream health care and that is a fundamental part of the newly agreed identity. At present, Dr. Raul Guinez, president, and Dr. Steven Flint, WFC liaison officer, Chilean Chiropractic Association, and their members are engaged in a type of legislative dispute underway in a number of countries, including Italy and Portugal. The Chilean government is now moving to recognize and regulate six forms of CAHC, including chiropractic. However, because of low educational standards in many of these disciplines, its first proposal is to give no rights of diagnosis or full independence to any of the CAHC disciplines. Our colleagues in Chile will fight this until they win; the WFC has recently forwarded extensive background information on the profession and its education to assist them in this campaign.
India: Dr. Shailly Prasad of Bangalore, a vice president of the Indian Association of Chiropractic Doctors (IACD) and its liaison to the highly successful Palmer College Clinics Abroad program, advises that Palmer undertook its 10th mission to India in October. The newly established IACD continues to look for membership and support from Indian DCs practicing in other countries. [Contact: Dr. Amit (Jimmy) Nanda at]
Mexico: There were only 18 graduates from the Universidad Estatal del Valle de Ecatepec (UNEVE) at its historic first graduation ceremony in Mexico City on Friday, Aug. 26, 2005, but subsequent classes will graduate approximately 50 students per year. UNEVE is a state university with chiropractic student fees fully funded by the government. The curriculum is based on that of Northwestern Health Sciences University and the program is delivered in partnership with Parker College of Chiropractic. The director of the Chiropractic Program is Dr. Juan Manuel Sanchez from Parker. Speakers at the graduation ceremony included Mr. Augustin Gasca, state secretary of education; Ismael Saenz, MD, rector of UNEVE; Dr. Enrique Benet Canut, president, College of Scientific Chiropractors of Mexico; and Mr. David Chapman-Smith, secretary-general, WFC. Other international leaders in attendance were Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, president, Parker College (by video); Dr. Joseph Sweere, representing Dr. Alfred Traina, president, Northwestern Health Sciences University; and Dr. Arlan Fuhr, president, Activator Methods. Contact for information: Dr. Juan Sanchez at
Taiwan: The Taiwan Chiropractic Association, led by its president, Dr. Albert Lee, continues its hard-fought campaign for recognition of the profession in Taiwan. At the request of the TCA, the WFC wrote to the president of Taiwan, Mr. Chen Shui-bian, and the minister of health, Dr. Sheng-Mou Hou, in August, explaining the importance of regulating the practice of chiropractic in Taiwan and requesting meetings with them and others when a WFC delegation visits in November. High-level meetings have been confirmed, which will be attended by leaders from the WFC and TCA. (Editor's note: For more information on the current situation for the chiropractic profession in Taiwan, please read "Trouble in Taiwan: Chiropractic Only Available From MDs" in the Oct. 10, 2005 issue of DC. To access this article online, please visit
Notes From the Secretary-General
by David Chapman-Smith, LLB (Hons), FICC (Hon)
World Health Organization: The WFC, like you, is still anxiously awaiting final publication of WHO's Guidelines on Basic Training and Safety in Chiropractic. These have been promised this year, I am following up with WHO regularly and you will know as soon as they are available. With the generous assistance of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, the Association Française de Chiropratique (AFC), and the Asociación Española de Quiropractica (AEQ), these guidelines will now be available in French and Spanish as well as English.
The osteopathic profession, in response to the development of the chiropractic guidelines, last year formed the World Osteopathic Health Organization (WOHO) and is partnering with WHO to provide similar osteopathic guidelines. A first draft of these guidelines was circulated by WHO to the WFC and several of its member associations for comment by mid-September. In its response, the WFC made two main points - first, that the guidelines appeared to describe both allopathic and osteopathic education in a way that was confusing and inappropriate; and second, that minimum standards in osteopathic part-time education were not described sufficiently. When the second draft of these guidelines is received, it will be circulated to member associations.
WFC Public Health Committee - WHO Presentation on Spinal Health: The WFC Public Health Committee, led by Dr. Rand Baird (chair) and North American representative Dr. Gary Auerbach, and in partnership with Dr. Ron Kirk of Life University, is preparing a spinal health presentation to be made at WHO's World Health Assembly in Geneva, May 15-20, 2006. This will presentation will be for the annual forum of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), which takes place at the time of the Assembly. It will be modeled on a similar successful presentation by Life University five years ago, but will incorporate material from the "Straighten Up America" daily exercise routine developed by Dr. Kirk and colleagues during the past year, and demonstrated at the WFC Congress in Sydney. [Editor's note: DC reported on the Straighten Up America campaign in two issues this year; please read "Beginning to 'Straighten Up America'" in the Jan. 29, 2005 issue ( and "Straightening Up America" in the July 2, 2005 issue (]
Identity Statements: It is important that the identity statements agreed at the WFC Assembly in Sydney in June be widely communicated to and by you. The WFC Council is fully engaged in this process. Since July, I have traveled to make a number of presentations to colleges (Palmer Homecoming and UNEVE graduation in Mexico in August, Northwestern in September) and associations (Swiss Convention and ACA Annual Meeting in September). Dr. Clum, WFC 1st vice president, has spoken to state associations and the ICA Convention. At its recent teleconference meeting, the Executive Committee decided that a short survey should be sent to members during October for feedback on awareness and level of acceptance of the identity statements - look for this shortly.
WFC/ACC Education Conference - Cancun, Mexico, Oct. 26-28, 2006: It has just been agreed that this meeting, which will be the 4th biennial Education Conference cosponsored by the WFC and the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, will focus on identity. The chiropractic educational community, including colleges worldwide, accrediting agencies and examining boards, will look at the various aspects of the WFC identity statements and consider how well this identity is, and should or should not be, reflected in educational standards and programs - and how chiropractic students worldwide can be encouraged to graduate with a more clear and consistent identity as chiropractors. As usual, member associations and associate members will be copied on all notices concerning this meeting and are encouraged to attend.
FICS Report ([url=][/url])
by Dr. Tom Greenway, Secretary-General, FICS (
The Federation Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS) was contracted to provide a large team of sports chiropractors for the 2005 World Games, held in Duisberg, Germany, from July 14-24, 2005. These are the largest international games for sports seeking admission to the Olympics (e.g., sumo wrestling, karate, aerobics, rhythmic gymnastics, artery, roller hockey, etc.), and 6,500 athletes attended the games.
This was a breakthrough event for FICS and sports chiropractic, with 26 chiropractors working alongside all other health professionals as part of the core medical team. On the peak day, 186 athletes from 24 sports and 35 nations received chiropractic care. The World Games Web site posted enthusiastic responses to their work. It is clear that chiropractic should be part of any large international sporting event. FICS is currently compiling a comprehensive database for all individuals, educational institutions and organizations associated with FICS and sports chiropractic. This will greatly help distribution of the FICS online newsletter and other communications. For more information or input, visit the FICS Web site ( or contact the FICS database coordinator, Dr. Deb Nook, at
National Chiropractic Sports Councils (contacts):
- United States (USSCF): Jim Lowrance (
- Switzerland: Roland Noirat (
- Germany: Alex Steinbrenner (
- UK/Britain: Tom Greenway (
- Italy: Daniele Bertamini (
- Japan: Dr. Keita (
- Canada: Greg Uchacz (
- Netherlands: Jeffrey Iaflammes (
- Mexico: Octavio Terrazas (
- Hong Kong: David Cosman (
- South Africa: Charmaine Korporral (
- New Zealand: Celia Burrows (
- Belgium: Roland Claes (
- Cyprus: Stathis Papadopoulos (
- Greece: Nikos Kalogeropoulos (
- Brazil: Plinio de Barros Barreto (
- Norway: Stale Hauge (
- Australia: Gaery Barbery (