Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Technique Seminars, Continuing Education Courses, and College Programs: What Are My Choices?
You've made the decision to become a doctor of chiropractic; invested money in your education, the perfect practice location, staffing, etc. Now what? Where can you go to find information on products, education and other goods and services to help grow your practice?
"What Are My Choices?" is a monthly column that gives you the information you need, straight from the experts: the companies themselves. This column focuses on companies and institutions that provide technique seminars, continuing education courses, and other similar services to the chiropractic profession. Consider the wide range of choices available:
Bastyr University: Located north of Seattle, Washington; one of the world's leading academic centers for advancing knowledge in the natural health sciences. Founded in 1978 to train naturopathic physicians, Bastyr has evolved into a multidisciplinary university for serious study in a broad range of natural health sciences. Phone: 425-823-300; E-mail:; Web:
Blue Poppy: Offers both live and distance-learning continuing education courses, clinical reference texts, and herbal products, including concentrated powder capsule formulas, liniments, ointments, and oils for pain relief, for professional practitioners of tuina, acupuncture, and herbal medicine. Founded in 1979 by Bob Flaws, today the business has nine full-time and three part-time employees. Blue Poppy is considered the pre-eminent provider of distance learning CE courses on all facets of Chinese medicine. Phone: 800-487-9296; E-mail:; Web:
Cleveland Chiropractic College: Cleveland Conferences offers "License renewal with a Kick," meaning that not only will attendees be provided a variety of courses taught by the best of the best for relicensure requirements, but also have the opportunity to learn practice strategies that build strong, ethical practices. Phone: 800-628-9592; Web:
Current Event Associates Seminars: Since 1987, Current Events Associates (CEA) has been providing the Chiropractic Profession with the finest State-Approved Continuing Education Programs available. Whether looking for relicensure credit or for personal or professional enrichment (or all three), you will find our programs to be educational, affordable, convenient and comfortable. Phone: 252-491-2454; E-mail:; more information available on
Directional Non-Force TechniqueTM: The late Dr. VanRumpt's original low-force method of chiropractic, now researched and taught by his successor, Christopher John, D.C. D.N.F.T. delivers results that are swift and dramatic. A practitioner may, therefore, enjoy a practice that is: low to moderate volume, high fee per visit, cash only, all by patient referral. D.N.F.T. is taught through modular seminars. Videos, tables, equipment, and information are available. Phone: 310-657-2338; Web:
Fountainhead Programs Division, Palmer Institute for Professional Advancement: Held annually the second week of August on the Palmer College campus, Palmer homecoming offers an extraordinary mix of educational sessions featuring over 70 speakers, showcases more than 90 companies in the EXPO and hosts the most spectacular social events in the profession. CEU hours are available. The Fountainhead Experience seminar, located in Daytona Beach, Fla., offers a variety of sessions in philosophy, technique, practice management and science. Phone: 866-592-3861; E-mail:; Web:
Graston Technique: Graston Technique® (GT), the profession's leading instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization technique, offers training courses throughout the U.S. and Canada. The GT seminars, recommended for clinicians who are interested in the diagnosis and treatment of soft-tissue dysfunction, are taught by some of the leading authorities on soft-tissue disorders. GT is now offered as part of the curriculum at many chiropractic colleges. Twelve hours of CE credit available, where applicable. Web:
Lakeside Chiropractic Seminars, Inc.: Dedicated to setting a new standard in continuing education for Doctors of Chiropractic. Lakeside Seminars also has a growing learning library of distance learning DVDs. It is a great alternative to classroom seminars. These courses can be used for distance learning for license renewal in 36 states. These DVDs are an indexed version of the 12-hour continuing education seminars. All reference materials are included on separate CD-Rom. Phone: 704-892-4966; E-mail:; Web:
Mentors In Medicine: Facilitates qualified student applications and enrollment into Windsor University School of Medicine's "Health Care Professional" program. Phone: 201-868-6661; E-mail:; Web:
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET): Used to assist the mind/body healing process. NET helps to normalize persistent, slow-to-heal physical and/or behavioral patterns caused by an unresolved emotional process. NET is taught in the 2-day NET Basic seminar and includes hands-on workshops. CEUs, University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College (most states). NET Developer, Dr. Scott Walker, demonstrates this powerful technique on a FREE DVD. Phone: 800-888-4638; E-mail:; Web:
NMT Seminars: NMT, NeuroModulation Technique, trains the control systems of the body to correct the causes of disease in a natural way. Phone: 541-720-1383; Web:
NutriWest Seminars: Includes simplified reflex testing and nutritional balance; turnkey (inexpensive) computerized nutrition evaluation; allergy and/or sensitivity identification, elimination and reprogramming; innovative structural corrections, both manual and instrument adjusting (advanced structural & reflex work with the arthrostim); percussion techniques for fascia release, TMJ, spinal, extremities & visceral, etc.; and more. Phone: 800-443-3333; Web:
Oceania University of Medicine: With its campus located on the grounds of Samoa's national hospital complex, OUM attracts students from top universities as well as chiropractors, nurses, physical therapists, physician assistants, paramedics, and other health professionals. New sessions begin every eight weeks. Students may attend the Foundation Block on campus or transfer credit for the "Introduction to Medicine" course from one of OUM's affiliate colleges in the USA. Phone: 877-Info-OUM; Web:
Parker Seminars: Refine your skills from experts on today's leading techniques. Check out demonstrations of 16 technical applications that enable you to help your patients return to health and continue on a lifetime of wellness. Refer to website for list of upcoming seminars and CEU credits. Phone: 888-727-5338; Web:
Precision Meridian Therapy: The Basic Seminar is a combination of Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Trigger Point Therapy. The diagnostic evaluation for all work is provided by our Istaeli Pulse Diagnosis, a form of pulse diagnosis that uses the classical pulse points of the wrist, but has nothing to do with the "feeling" pulse diagnosis of the Chinese. It is learned in 15 minutes and is 100% effective as learned by 150 students last year. Phone: 800-699-2466; Web:
SCSC/Continuing Education: Founded in 1973, Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic is a private college offering the Doctor of Chiropractic degree and was named after Lyle Sherman, D.C. The college is located at the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Spartanburg, SC, and is home to a growing and diverse population of approximately 440 students. Sherman College offers regular continuing education courses in technique, science, philosophy, research, practice management and more. Phone: 800-849-8771; E-mail:; Web:
Seminar Innovations, Inc: is the premier Internet continuing-education service in the industry. Choose from twelve course topics and two Certification programs offered in 6 hour ($99.00), 12 hour ($199.00), 15 hour ($225.00) and 16 hour ($265.00) modules. Advantages of Online Education: Learn at your own pace; spend less time away from family and business; eliminate travel, hotel and seminar costs; certificates of completion from Texas Chiropractic College. Phone: 856-455-7703; E-mail:; Web:
Taizan Ryu Shiatsu: We offer seminars in the warm Caribbean for certification as Shiatsu therapists and certification for Shiatsu instructors. Being a manual therapy, it is in complete harmony with chiropractic practice of all philosophies. This therapy has a great application in sport injuries as well as in treatment to the general public. We have taught seminars to lay people as well as continuing education courses to health care professionals. E-mail:
Virginia Chiropractic Association (VCA): Evolved from the Virginia Chiropractors Association, which was founded in 1925 as a vehicle to unite the profession in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Since that time, the VCA has become the largest and strongest state organization, continuing to lead the path for the chiropractic profession in Virginia by being an advocate of chiropractic as a distinct profession integrated into the healthcare system for the benefits of citizens of the Commonwealth.
The VCA has partnered with the Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCUHS) to bring you the first 100 hours of the Chiropractic Rehabilitation Diplomate program in a newly updated format! New features include practical, hands-on workshop sessions, economical distance learning modules and a video series. The five live sessions also stand alone as exciting weekend seminars. Phone: 540-932-3100; E-mail:; Web:
If your company offers products or services to the chiropractic profession and would like to be listed in "What Are My Choices," please contact Renee Coloman via e-mail: