This article focuses on nine severe injuries that are generally not diagnosable until the third to fourth week following the date of injury, including how to diagnose these severe injuries. The discovery of any of these injuries early can make a significant difference in the case outcome.
| Digital ExclusiveElections, Grant Awards Highlight Annual NBCE Meeting
DENVER - The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE) conducted its Annual Board and State Delegates Meeting May 3-8, 2004, in conjunction with the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards' (FCLB) 78th Annual Educational Conference. (A review of the 2004 FCLB conference appeared in the June 17 issue of DC.) The NBCE meeting provided an opportunity for visitors to tour the home of both organizations, and for individuals and collectives to be recognized in the form of awards, donations and elections.
On May 6, the NBCE Board of Directors gave attendees a tour of its headquarters in Greeley, Colo., 60 miles north of Denver. The base of operations for the FCLB is also temporarily maintained there, and a tour of the federation's future facility was included. The next day, at the board's 41st Annual Luncheon and Business Meeting, Peter D. Ferguson, DC, completing his four-year term as NBCE president, gave thanks to those who helped make his tenure productive.
Dr. Ferguson presented FCLB President Richard C. Cole, DC, with a $250,000 grant toward FCLB operations for the coming year. In addition, the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER) was awarded a $50,000 research grant. Glenn Manceaux, DC, representing the ACA, presented "Simple Justice II," a video recounting the association's legal battles with Trigon, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicare. Earlier, the ACA was approved for a $25,000 grant toward its legal fees in the ongoing Trigon lawsuit.
Additionally, NBCE Treasurer Jerry L. Blanchard, DC, reported the results of the board's 2003 financial audit, and Director-at-Large Donna L. Craft, DC, presented an orientation for delegates and alternative delegates (as more than 40 percent are new).
NBCE delegates elected Dr. Blanchard for a fourth term as district I director, and Frank G. Hideg, DC, as district II director, for his 10th term. They will oversee their respective districts for the next three years.
On the final day of the event, the board held its reorganization meeting, with the following Executive Committee selected:
Chairman of the Board: Peter D. Ferguson, DC
President: James J. Badge, DC
Vice President: Rick C. Murphree, DC
Secretary: Jerry D. Blanchard, DC
Director-at-Large: Donna L. Craft (re-elected, three-year term)
FCLB Appointees: Richard C. Cole, DC and N. Edwin Weathersby, DC (FCLB vice president)