Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Palmer College of Chiropractic West
Palmer College of Chiropractic West Sends Two Delegates to World Congress of Chiropractic Students
Nineteen colleges from the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and France were represented at the 1990 World Congress of Chiropractic Students (WCCS), hosted by the Anglo-European college of Chiropractic in Bournemouth, England. More than 150 students attended.
The delegates were welcomed by the mayor and mayoress of Bournemouth, and over the course of the four-day congress, discussed nearly 50 proposals.
During its 11-year existence, the WCCS has rallied the chiropractic college student communities to participate in a variety of projects including letter writing campaigns to state senators calling for the endorsement of a chiropractic centennial U.S. postage stamp, and for support of a bill (S.2590) which would authorize DCs to be commissioned as officers in the armed forces as health care providers.
"The great thing about WCCS is that you see support from all students, regardless of whether or not the success of a particular project has an immediate impact on their college." said Kimberly Bartholomew, delegate from Palmer College of Chiropractic-West and president of the college's CCA chapter. "We're all working together, making sacrifices when necessary, to help gain international recognition, acceptance and respect for chiropractic."
William Harris, D.C.
Educator, Author, and Chiropractic
Doctor for 50+ Years, Donates $50,000 To Palmer College of Chiropractic-West
During the course of his more-than-50 years in chiropractic, Dr. William Harris of Roswell, Georgia, has made numerous contributions to the profession as a practitioner, author, and educator. Recently, Dr. Harris made a contribution to the advancement of chiropractic education in the form of a $50,000 gift, which he presented to Palmer College of Chiropractic West (PCCW) in Santa Clara.
Palmer West President John L. Miller, D.C., informed the PCCW campus community of the gift during his recent "State of the College Address." He also announced that $40,000 of Dr. Harris' gift has been earmarked for increased marketing of PCCW's campus clinic; the additional funds give the clinic the most extensive budget it's ever had for marketing purposes.
"Dr. Harris is interested in not only buying things for schools, but in helping schools which help themselves," Dr. Miller said. "Dr. Harris' analogy is that he'd rather buy shovels and seeds than food baskets."
Dr. Harris, a 1938 PCCW graduate, is a Fellow in both the Palmer Chiropractic College and PCCW Academies of Chiropractic. He is the founder of both the Foundation for the Advancement of Chiropractic Education (F.A.C.E.) and Practice Consultants, a practice management company. Dr. Harris presented the commencement address at PCCW's Winter Quarter '90 Graduation, and he was also a featured participant in the college's recent Homecoming proceedings.
Dr. John L. Miller Is Named A "Fellow Of Palmer West Academy" At Palmer College of Chiropractic-West
Dr. John L. Miller, president of Palmer College of Chiropractic West (PCCW) since 1980, was named a "Fellow of Palmer West Academy" for "valued contribution to Palmer West College and to the advancement of the chiropractic profession." Dr. Marilyn P. Smith, chair of the PCCW Board of Trustees, presented the award.
During his tenure of PCCW, Dr. Miller has held several other high-ranking offices within the profession. Currently, he is president of the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE), past president of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges (ACC), and past vice-president of the International Chiropractors' Association (ICA).
New York Chiropractic College
ACA Council On Technic Panel Of Advisors Held In New YorkThe American Chiropractic Association's (ACA) Council on Technic Panel of Advisors held a 3-day conference at New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) on September 13-15. The topics of discussion were terminology and pedigogy of chiropractic technic and the incorporation of biomechanics into technic. The 15 member panel has been meeting annually for the purpose of discussing the knowledge and skills of many instructors and clinicians in order to become familiar with each others' positions.
Dr. Anthony Onorato, Dean of Academic Affairs at NYCC, addressed the panel speaking of his support and participation with the council since his days as a chiropractic student.
Members of the panel included: Dr. Herbert Magee, vice-president of the council; Dr. Ted Shrader, secretary-treasurer; Dr. Lowry Morton, ACA representative; Dr. Kevin Bartol, Northwestern Chiropractic College; Dr. Gary Casper, Logan Chiropractic College; Dr. Ralph Filson, Logan Chiropractic College; Dr. Lillian Ford, New York Chiropractic College; Dr. Robert Francis, Texas Chiropractic College; Dr. Gary Greenstein, Los Angeles D.C. advisor; Dr. Jean Mannington, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College; Dr. Robert Schlampp, Life Chiropractic College; Dr. Henry Shantz, Palmer West Chiropractic College; Dr. Don Specht, Palmer Chiropractic College; Dr. Rickard Thomas, Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City; and Dr. James Weaver, Cleveland Chiropratic College-Los Angeles.
NYCC has the largest SACA membership among all of the colleges, and its SACA president, Anthony Ciano, has recently helped to form a student Council on Technic. "There are other clubs which are technic-oriented, and we have a lot of students interested in the subject," said Ciano. "Having a SACA Council on Technic was suggested to me by several students, and we hope it will increase SACA membership and enthusiasm."
Dr. Ford, commenting on the panel, said, "The communication afforded by having this panel brings together other teachers of technic and fosters greater awareness of what is going on in other colleges -- their language and technics."
NYCC Certifies DCs As Sports Physicians
Eighty-six doctors of chiropractic have completed a course of study and a series of examinations, at NYCC, granting them the distinction of being Certified Chiropractic Sports Physicians (CCSP). The CCSP course is administered by the post-graduate division of NYCC, under the direction of Dr. Richard Kroe, post-graduate director, and co-ordinated by Drs. Joesph and Philip Santiago CCSP. The certification program is under the auspices of the American Chiropractic Association Council on Sports Injuries, and Physical Fitness, and granted by the Academy of Chiropractic Sports Physicians.
Candidates for CCSP credentials must complete over 100 hours of intensive study in the care and prevention of athletic and fitness related injuries, and are taught by a team of nationally recognized sports medicine authorities. The 86 DCs who have received their diplomas are now certified to administer on-field and in-office treatment of athletic trauma, and to provide community education on the prevention and management of sports injury.
The DCs who received their certification were honored at a graduation ceremony and banquet. Presenting the CCSP diplomas was National Basketball Association Hall of Famer and former New York Knickerbocker superstar Earl "The Pearl" Monroe. Mr. Monroe, a firm believer in chiropractic health care, was presented with a plaque of appreciation for his participation and support of chiropractic from Dr. Kroe.
Starting next year, a diplomate program will commence, adding 200 hours to the 100 of the CCSP program, and achieving for the candidate the status of a diplomate of the American board of Chiropractic Sports Physician (DABCSP). This specialized program will be a joint effort between NYCC and Logan College of Chiropractic. This program will be offered in the New York metropolitan area, the mid-west, and in the west coast areas.
Students At Cheyney University Learn Of Chiropractic At NYCC
NYCC entertained 28 students and 2 faculty members of Cheyney University (CU) of Pennsylvania, one of the oldest black colleges in the U.S., at NYCC's Old Brookville campus. The CU students were invited to NYCC by Stephen Faust, Dean of Student Affairs, to learn and view the benefits of a chiropractic education. Dean Faust scheduled a full day of activities that included a tour of the college, and a program of career development. The program comprised of several lectures on topics such as: "The Chiropractic Profession, and Its Opportunities," "Requirements for Admission to a Chiropractic Institution," "The Application Process," and "Financing a Chiropractic Education."
Michigan Chiropractic Council
Chiropractic Legislation In CongressHouse Bill #5373 is still in the works and is slowly moving forward. Although this piece of legislation is designed to benefit all DCs and chiropractic in the state of Michigan with regards to examination procedures and diagnosis, it is still receiving little help from other state organizations. The Michigan Chiropractic Council (MCC) encourages DCs to contact and meet with their senators and representatives.
The "new and improved" vaccine law, introduced by a medically-oriented representative in the midst of the past measles "epidemic", was designed to remove the "personal beliefs" excuse from the mandatory vaccination situation in Michigan. The MCC has organized resistance to this bill, and as a result, it appears that this bill will be defeated.
The state's attempt to form an ad hoc committee to "speed up the disciplinary actions" concerning health care providers is likely to pass. The MCC will continue to monitor these developments and will keep chiropractic posted. Significant changes have been made which will make this bill a less offensive one to all professionals.
Northwestern College of Chiropractic
"Big Fall Party" Kicks Off College's 50th AnniversaryNearly 500 people attended the "Big Fall Party" at Northwestern College of Chiropractic (NWCC), beginning the yearlong celebration of NWCC's 50th anniversary. According to Anne McQuillan, chair of the planning committee, "It was a wonderful way for new and current students to join in celebrating our past, our present, and our future." Opening remarks were made by NWCC President Donald M. Cassata, Ph.D, and special guest, former ACA Chairman Louis Sportelli, D.C.
NWCC Researcher Dr. Patrick Boline Receives FCER Grant For Headache Study
Patrick Boline, D.C., received a $46,000 research grant from the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research September 20th, for "Spinal Adjustments and Pharmaceutical Therapy: A Randomized Clinical Trial for the Treatment of Chronic Muscle Contractive Headaches." Dr. Boline was a former research fellow with A.V. Anderson, M.D., D.C., and has special interest and training in the treatment of headaches. He has also taped several local cable television shows on the subject.
International Chiropractors Association
ICA Features NFL Pro Football Star In Television Commercials For DCsNFL pro football player Mark May of the Washington Redskins aggressively promotes chiropractic in the International Chiropractors Association's three new television commercials. ICA's 30-second spots feature Mark May in three different settings -- on the football field, in the locker room, and in a chiropractic clinic -- explaining the benefits of chiropractic care. Following each spot, there is space for each doctor to include his/her name, office location, and phone number.
Life Chiropractic College West
NUCCA Selects Life West As Site Of 1991 National MeetingLife Chiropractic College West (LCCW) will host the 1991 fall seminar of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA), according to Dan Seeman, Ph.D, executive director of the association. NUCCA chose LCCW as the site for the October 19-21 1991 national meeting at its 1990 national meeting in Perrysburg, Ohio on October 30th.
Blinn Junior College, Brenham, Texas
Chiropractic Helps Blinn Junior College Track Team To A National RankingBlinn College's track and field team, the Buccaneers, has been nationally ranked for 4 years, second only to LSU. Coach Steve Silvey has made chiropractic a part of the team's health care since he arrived at the college. Dr. Chris Dalrymple of Brenham has volunteered his services and reports that the majority of the cases which he has treated are structural injuries, most of which are secondary to some other structural imbalance such as short leg or foot pronation.