News / Profession

Calif. State Assembly Republicans Back Chiropractic

Republicans ask Governor Wilson to Oppose Limits on Chiropractic Care under Workers' Comp.
Editorial Staff

In a letter to Governor Pete Wilson, twenty Republican California State Assembly members urged him to strongly oppose any reform to the current workers' compensation system that would limit the rights of injured workers to seek chiropractic treatment. This support is especially significant coming from Governor Wilson's fellow Republicans.

The California Chiropractic Association (CCA) has been lobbying State Assembly and Senate members from both political parties, educating them about the inequities of current managed health care. The CCA specifically targeted Republican Assembly members because they have already authored two major workers' compensation bills this session.

Chiropractic's role in workers' compensation may become another victim of the state's economic belt tightening. The California state government has been trying to stave off the outward migration of jobs and businesses from the state by examining ways to reduce business costs and create incentives for companies to relocate here. A prime target for reform is in cost containment for the economically burdensome workers' compensations system.

"When it became known that the governor and others were considering workers' compensation reform that would implement an HMO-style system for injured workers," said CCA President Dr. James Peterson, "CCA made sure that legislators were aware of the full implications."

The following letter was sent to Governor Pete Wilson and signed by the twenty Republican state legislators.


Assembly California Legislature

Paul V. Horcher
Assemblyman, Fifty-Second District

Serving the cities & communities of Whittier, Hacienda Heights, La Mirada, La Habra Heights, Walnut, Diamond Bar, West Covina

Capitol Office
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0001
(918) 445-7550
FAX (916) 324-6973

District Office
16209 E. Whittier Blvd.
Whittier, CA 90603
(310) 947-9878
FAX (310) 943-6397

Insurance Committee
Labor & Employment
Utilities and Commerce
Republican Drug Task Force

June 8, 1992

The Honorable Pete Wilson
Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Governor Wilson:

The undersigned members of the California State Assembly wish to express our strong concern for any reform of the workers' compensations system that limits the right of injured workers to seek care by chiropractic doctors. We are particularly concerned that any use of managed care systems be provider neutral.

Traditionally, organized medicine has excluded chiropractic doctors in managed care. Until these artificial market barriers are remedied, we cannot support any proposal which authorizes the use of a health care delivery system that disallows chiropractic services.

Many of our constituents utilize chiropractic which has been shown to be a cost effective treatment for industrial injuries. The California Workers' Compensation Institute (CWCI) showed in 1986 that chiropractic doctors accounted for nearly 20% of the services rendered to the injured workers, but accounted for only 13% of the cost. In this time of urgent need for cost controls, we support the efficacious services performed by chiropractic doctors and strongly oppose any provision that inadvertently or purposefully disallows delivery of these services.

As always, we appreciate your interest in our concern and look forward to working with you on the resolution of this important issue.


Paul Horcher
52 Assem. District

Ross Johnson
64th Assem. District

Andrea Seastrand
29th Assem. District

Dean Andal
38th Assem. District

Paula Boland
38th Assem. District

Gerald N. Felando
51st Assem. District

Cathie Wright
37th Assem. District

Pat Nolan
41st Assem. District

Tricia Rae Hunter
76th Assem. District

Tom McClintock
36th Assem. District


James L. Brulte
65th Assem. District

Dick Mountjoy
42nd Assem. District

Bill Baker
15th Assem. District

Tom Mays
58th Assem. District

Phil Wyman
34th Assem. District

Carol Bentley
77th Assem. District

Bev Hatsen
8th Assem. District

Stan Statham
1st Assem. District

Trice Harvey
33rd Assem. District

Chuck Quackenbush
22nd Assem. District

July 1992
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