Chiropractic (General)

Making It Happen

The Power of Decision
Donald M. Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

There is nothing more powerful than "an idea whose time has come."

This is a very important concept and to a certain extent is true. But it ignores one very important fact:


You probably have an idea of how successful you want your practice to be, how many patients you want to be caring for, how effective you want your treatment to be and/or how much money you would like to be earning. If you merely think about it and don't ever go into the office, you won't make any money, you won't treat any patients, and your practice will cease to exist. You have to _make it happen_.

Obviously, your goals in areas beyond the chiropractic profession require your action as well. Whatever you want out of life will only come from the volume, quality, and intensity of your efforts. There is never a guarantee of success, but unless you act, you are guaranteed of failure.

There is nothing quite so powerful as a decision: when you finally decide what you want to do and make the commitment to see it through, no matter what it takes.

People you come in contact with can see the resolve in your eyes. They sense by your manner and actions the determination to complete what you set out to accomplish. Any doubt they may have whether your endeavor will succeed begins to melt as first hope.......then faith.........and finally confidence take over. Eventually, they find themselves becoming your ally and wanting you to be successful as much or even more than you want it.

As the usual hurdles impede your way, your persistence is clearly demonstrated for all to see. As you overcome each trial, your resolution strengthens as does the commitment of those who have chosen to join you. Now you are really making it happen.

Depending on your level of anticipation, this can be the most difficult (and dangerous) time for you. You can see it all coming together. You know it is almost a reality. You think the victory is won.

But it isn't.

You haven't accomplished what you set out to do until you've done it.

This isn't very profound, but still very true. If you relax now, so will those around you. If you become bored or lose interest, why should anyone else carry the torch for you? Many will want to help you, but it is your drive to make it happen that will ultimately carry the day.



No! Don't tell me it can't be done or you're not sure if you can do it. If you want it, do it. If you aren't willing to try, quit complaining about it and accept the self-imposed restrictions your own laziness has imposed. It's your choice.

The history of the chiropractic profession is that of overcoming what seemed to be impossible. Interestingly enough, nothing seems impossible _after_ someone finally does it. If you are a part of our great heritage, then you are one who overcomes. This is your heritage.

This is one of the most exciting periods in the relatively short history of chiropractic. Many obstructions, difficulties, and even attacks will face us in the next few years. So what else is new? This is true for all chiropractors and to a certain extent to all health care providers. How you view and address these important and challenging issues and situations will determine your professional future, and that of the profession as a whole.


The decision is yours. But no matter what is now facing you, or will face you in the future, you are responsible for your actions and for your part in the outcome. In essence it will be you and you alone who must choose to


DMP Jr., B.S., H.C.D.(hc)

April 1992
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