Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Financially Free in '93
That's our theme, "Financially Free in '93." Sounds good doesn't it? Is that your theme for '93? Think about that for a moment before you answer. The reason I want you to wait before you answer is very simple. Every month for the past five years I have been giving you ideas that can save you tax dollars and improve your bottom line, but they do require one thing to make it all happen. Do you know what that something is? Maybe that's the problem. The one thing that is required is for you to put it into action, or as the shoe company says, "Just do it." Now answer the question, "Have you done it?" Next question, "Why not?"
In every column I emphasize that if you need additional information, just drop me a line. Have you? Why not? Some of you have done just that. I have received thousands of such requests and I answer all of them, even the ones that don't enclose a self-addressed, stamped, envelope. Sometimes I even pick up the phone and call. I won't even bore you with another question of what you are waiting for? No more excuses. So don't just sit there, pick up the pen right now. My address and phone number are at the end of this article. Write it down before you forget.
Remember when I started this I said that the theme for 1993 is to be financially free. In other words, have a handle on all of your financial matters and have a goal, and be on the way to achieving it. Maybe you are that person right now and you don't need my help. That would be wonderful, but for the majority the opposite is true. I won't make light of this because this is a serious situation and it needs to be addressed and corrected. You work hard and endure a lot, and what is it all for? You need to be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Years ago there was a hit song by a country and western singer by the name of Tennessee Ernie Ford. The name of the song was "Sixteen Tons." It went something like this: "You load 16 tons and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt." I have modified this song to emphasize the plight of the chiropractor. My version goes like this: "You earn 16 "K" per month and what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt."
Does that describe you? Maybe you earn less or more per month, but that is not the main problem. It's the second sentence that is the true bottom line. Is that your bottom line, another day older and deeper in debt? So what that says is that your theme for '93 is not "financially free in '93," but the one that a lot of you are lamenting these days, "Woe is me in '93." How does that one feel to you?
Now I want you to answer that first question that I asked you at the beginning of this article. Is your theme going to be "Financially free in '93? "Woe was you in '92." You have the power to fix that this year, and from now on, so just do it!
Your comments and inquiries may be directed to:
Stanley Greenfield, RHU
12873 Huntley Manor Drive
Jacksonville, Florida 32216
(904) 223-4636
Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you.
Further advice on finances is available through Mr. Greenfield's newsletter, Greenfield Chiropractic Financial News, #J-314-C, on the Preferred Reading and Viewing List, pages xx.