News / Profession

Dole and Gingrich to Address ACA Legislative Conference

Editorial Staff

ARLINGTON, Virginia -- Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will give their perspectives on health care reform at a March 9th luncheon of the American Chiropractic Association's 1995 National Chiropractic Legislative Conference (NCLC).

Senator Dole is a leading candidate for the 1996 GOP presidential nomination. Congressman Gingrich has announced he will not seek the nomination in 1996.

The ACA is touting the conference (March 9-10) as one of the most important conferences of the year. Also speaking at the conference will be senators Tom Harkin (D-IA), John Chafee (R-RI), Strom Thurmond (R-SC), and congressmen Bill Brewster (D-OK) and Bill Thomas (R-CA).

ACA Executive Vice President J. Ray Morgan said it was the "perfect time for DCs to convene in the nation's capitol to send a unified message to the new GOP majority."

March 1995
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