Health & Wellness / Lifestyle

Interesting Quotes

Editorial Staff

Give 'em a Pill

"The physician would rather please the patient who expects an antibiotic than not use the drug."

-- Dr. William Hueston Primary investigator in a study comparing the use of antibiotics in fee-for-service vs. HMOs.

As quoted in Managed Healthcare, October 1997.


Long-Term Failure Rates

"Long-term failure rates after operations for back pain are as high as 30% for lumbar arthrodesis and 37% for discectomy."

Source: To reoperate or not? Spine Letter, Volume 4, Number 3.


Cut It Again Sam?

"The risk for subsequent reoperation on the lumbar spine after a lumbar disc operation seems higher than previously assumed. This should be taken into account when sharing information with the patient about the postoperative prognosis."

-- Seppo Seitsalo,MD, noted researcher quoted in The Back Letter, Volume 12, Number 8, 1997


Slowing Cost of Health Care

"Over the longer run, managed care could be far more potent - if it changes fundamental forces driving costs. Managed care can't delay the aging of the baby boom. But there are hints it may be slowing cost increases but raising uncomfortable questions."

Health-Cost Trims Hold Inflation Down. David Wessel, Wall Street Journal, June 30, 1997.

August 1998
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