This article focuses on nine severe injuries that are generally not diagnosable until the third to fourth week following the date of injury, including how to diagnose these severe injuries. The discovery of any of these injuries early can make a significant difference in the case outcome.
| Digital ExclusiveDear DC
I just want to express my heart-felt thanks to you and all the doctors who have responded to the article you published about my shooting in Honduras. The response from the chiropractic community was fantastic. My wife and I cried as we read the letters and cards sent by many well wishers. The financial response was enough to help cover the extra costs of my surgery, flights, and a future prosthesis.
My health is very good, and my full strength is back. I have no pain and have just been fitted with a temporary ceramic eye. I will get a more permanent type of eye in June. I am getting used to the loss of this important item in my body. I praise God for two of them and that I still have my life and the use of my other eye. I still have my hands, so I can provide effective chiropractic care also.
Again, thank you for your help. Your prayers and your support in all ways.
Serving "Him" in Honduras.
Bruce Kniegge, DC
Aptdo 188
Siguatepeque, Honduras
Tel/fax: 504-73-0032