Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Where's DC Going?
If you've visited our website ([url=][/url]) recently, you've probably gotten the feeling that some changes are coming. This is not only true for Chiroweb, it's also true for other aspects of Dynamic Chiropractic.
Chiropractic's Opportunities on the Internet
When we first took over Chiroweb in early 1997, we had a lot to learn. A website is a medium with unique qualities that must be understood. It took us 10 months to fully appreciate those qualities.
A website isn't just an information source, like a newspaper. It is much more than that. A well designed website is a gathering place. It is a place where people can interact with information and with other people. A website is more like an electronic mall.
Talk to your patients and you will learn that between a third and half of them have access to the Internet at home or at work. While e-mail may be their first step onto the superhighway, they are beginning to go to the Internet more frequently for information. According to a recent issue of USA Today1, 37% of adult Internet users have sought health information on the world wide web. Of those, 19.9% have sought information on "alternative medicine."
Consumers are also learning to check the web before they buy. Just look at what the automotive dealers are doing. They are pushing their web addresses in their advertising and are selling an average of five cars per dealership per month on their websites!
Chiroweb is being completely redesigned. The goal is to make it more complete and easier to use. Not only will Chiroweb be a robust information source for you, but it will also be a place where prospective patients can meet you and learn about your practice.
The new site will contain these departments:
ChiroLocator -- This is the place for you to display information about your practice. While most prospective patients will learn as much as they need to from your chirolocator ad, you can also link this to your website.DC Archives -- It will take us a little time, but every article in every issue of Dynamic Chiropractic (back through 1990) will be available for you to search by author, title or word.
Suppliers' Directory -- This is where you go to find a chiropractic product or company fast, then link to their website for more information. Chiropractic Calendar -- Here is a complete listing of all chiropractic events around the world searchable by various criteria.
Student Section -- A forum for the upcoming chiropractors.
Health Mall -- Not just an online chiropractic bookstore, but a resource for products and educational materials for patients and DCs.
ChiroMart Online Classified Advertising -- Buying and selling just became easier in this online medium that comes complete with pictures.
Chiroweb is being recreated to be a meeting place for DCs and prospective patients. Some of the departments are just for DCs, and others are geared towards patients. Look for the new Chiroweb to premier on February 1, 1998.
On-Line Publication
Dynamic Chiropractic is not just one publication anymore. Starting in March of 1998, DC will be publishing an e-mail newsletter to the public that will help educate them about wellness and chiropractic. This electronic newsletter will link the reader back to Chiroweb where they can find a chiropractor nearest them via our ChiroLocator.
The real need is to educate the public so that they can make the transition from the illness model to one of wellness. As they understand what true health is, they will see the need to include chiropractic, and will use the Internet to learn more.
This e-mail newsletter will help them make that transition and encourage them to become chiropractic patients.
This is just the first phase of our efforts to make the Internet a place where chiropractic will flourish. Our ultimate goal is to use every aspect of this new medium for the benefit of chiropractic.
This is an exciting time and we invite you to come along. If you would like more information, you may contact our Chiroweb office toll free at 1-888-352-8180.
1. USA Snapshots, USA Today. October 27, 1997