News / Profession

Our Virtual Chiropractic Association - Your Vote Really Counts!

Editorial Staff

December 15 is your last chance to vote for the chiropractic leaders you want for Our Virtual Chiropractic Association.* And while those receiving the most votes will be "virtual leaders," the selections will speak volumes about the doctors who should be leading our profession.

The nominated are:

• Robert Argyelan,DC

• Michael Berkley,DC

• Bob Berkowitz,DC

• Jeff Brockman,DC

• Judy Campanale,DC

• Ted Carrick,DC,PhD

• David Chapman-Smith,LLB

• Carl Cleveland,III,DC

• Gerard Clum,DC

• Leon Coelho,DC

• Wendy Coren,DC

• Thomas James Curnutte III,DC

• John Donofrio,DC

• James Edwards,DC

• Joseph Felesia,DC

• Preston Fitzgerald,DC

• Michael Flynn,DC

• Thom Gelardi,DC

• Reggie Gold,DC

• George Goodheart,DC

• George Goodman,DC

• Dave Guerriero,DC

• John Hanks,DC

• Donald Hayes,DC

• Robert Hoffman,DC

• Chris Kent,DC

• Joel Kinch,DC

• Thomas Klapp,DC

• David Koch,DC

• Debbie Lindemann,DC

• Lawrence Markson,DC

• Brian McAulay,DC,PhD

• Sigmund Miller,DC

• Paige Morgenthal,DC

• Ken Murkowski,DC

• Dan Murphy,DC

• Donald R. Murphy,DC

• Douglas Nordstrom,DC

• Richard Pashayan,DC,DABCO

• Michael Pedigo,DC

• Stephen Press,DC,CCSP,FACSM

• Guy Riekeman,DC

• John Schaeffer,DC,DABCN

• Chuck Simpson,DC

• Richard Stonebrink,DC

• Joe Strauss,DC

• David W. Snyder,DC

• Lawrence R. Taylor,DC

• Richard H. Tilden,DC

• Richard Tyler,DC

• Ed Williams,DC

• Sid Williams,DC

• Chester Wilk,DC

• James Winterstein,DC

• David N. Young,DC,PhD

Because the people who lead our profession need to represent the entire chiropractic profession, you will be able to vote for or against each candidate. This will allow you to choose who you want as leaders and who you don't want.

You still have time to vote on line, simply go to . In the interest of fairness, you must use your User Identification and Password (that was printed at the top of the front page of the November 15, 2000 issue) to enter the OVCA Election Page. If you have previously registered to post in the DCs Only Discussion Forum, you won't need to complete a registration form; if not, you will need to take a moment to complete the online form to ensure the accuracy of your information.

While this information is kept confidential, it does insure that each person casts his or her own votes and cannot vote more than once. Those votes received by mail and fax will be tabulated onto the OVCA Election Page.

This is an opportunity to explore what the benefits of unity could be for the chiropractic profession in the United States. In the future, this "virtual chiropractic association" will give you the opportunity to set goals, establish priorities, and ultimately develop a shared vision for the profession. This "virtual chiropractic association" is an opportunity for all doctors of chiropractic to express their opinions and help mold what could be a blueprint for chiropractic's future.

Your ballot must be completed by December 15, 2000. When you vote on line, you will immediately be able to view the current election results for each candidate (no recount necessary).

  • As has been continually stated, this is not an attempt to create a new chiropractic association. This is a chance to let the 85 percent of the profession that doesn't belong to a national association join their voices with the 15 percent that dues. It will help establish a common understanding of what practicing DCs need and want from a national association. This is an opportunity to create a shared vision of leadership and direction. Rather than create another national chiropractic association, this is a way to see who the profession would choose for its leaders if every doctor of chiropractic in the United States were a member of one national organization. Thus was born the "Virtual Chiropractic Association."
December 2000
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