
Ellen Fitzenrider, DC

Dr. Ellen Fitzenrider lives in Norfolk, Va., and is a 1991 Palmer graduate. She has built and sold two successful chiropractic practices, and currently spends her time advocating for and educating her colleagues about audits, documentation compliance, and standing up to insurance carriers when appropriate. She has interviewed hundreds of DC colleagues; health care attorneys; billing, coding and compliance experts; EHR software companies, health care data specialists; medical audit and fraud examiners; chiropractic malpractice insurance carriers; and basically anyone in a related field who will answer her passionate emails. You can find her online at, and on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Previous Articles

Is It You ... or Is It Your EHR?
February 1, 2021 (Vol. 39, Issue 02)

The Elephant in the Middle of Our Professional Living Room
November 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 11)