Chiropractic (General)

First, Protect the Profession

Rule One for Chiropractic E-Commerce
Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

Whenever we develop a new service for chiropractic, we always look at how it could impact the profession overall, including potential internal and external factors.

The fact that this issue of Dynamic Chiropractic has been mailed to every known doctor of chiropractic in the world illustrates our long-standing commitment to the profession. We are committed to being an independent chiropractic newspaper, sent to every DC, that doesn't fill its pages with self-interest propaganda and "advertorials" used to reward large advertisers.

While we appreciate the support of our advertisers, we know that the reason we are the most-read chiropractic publication is because you can trust what you read in these pages. Our advertisers benefit from the fact that DC is read, rather than tossed out, unopened.

With this commitment as our starting point, we designed ChiroMall as the first and only "closed" online chiropractic "shopping mall." Access is deliberately restricted to licensed doctors of chiropractic only. Each doctor must enter his or her unique user ID and password that pre-registers them into the system.

By restricting access to doctors of chiropractic only, ChiroMall protects the profession in a number of ways:

  • Prevents consumers from viewing professional prices - On ChiroMall, your patients can't find out what you pay for the goods you will offer to them. This prevents awkward and embarrassing situations in which an informed patient may question why you don't offer the product at a lower price or even at cost.
  • Prevents patients from buying "around" you - Because only licensed DCs are given unique user IDs and passwords, your patients can't enter ChiroMall to view prices or purchase products. And while they may find the product on another Web site, they won't even be able to view it on ChiroMall.
  • Restricts chiropractic seminars and products to the chiropractic profession - For more than 100 years, individual DCs and companies have been developing equipment, products and seminars specifically for doctors of chiropractic. ChiroMall prevents physical therapists, osteopaths and other nonchiropractors from purchasing products specifically designed for the chiropractic profession.

In this technological age, almost anyone can create an online e-commerce site - but designing one with the welfare of the chiropractic profession in mind from the beginning is a different story.

Over the next several months, ChiroMall will be adding many new online "stores" that will offer various products and services from particular companies. They will provide special online discounts and items listed at their "guaranteed lowest price." But before any of those "stores" open their doors, those companies will make the commitment to offer their products and services on a Web site that keeps professional prices confidential and prohibits chiropractic patients from purchasing directly.

If you are not currently purchasing products and services on the Internet, I encourage you to consider it. The primary reasons to do so are convenience and price. You will want to take advantage of the discounts you may be missing. The first store, Preferred Reading and Viewing, will offer at least 25 percent of all products at discounted prices. Most of these discounts will only be available online.

If you currently purchase goods and services for your practice on the Web, I encourage you to consider the Web sites from which you are buying. If they are not concealing their prices and are not preventing nonchiropractors from accessing them, they are not protecting the chiropractic profession. It will not take Web-savvy patients long to find those sites and buy the same products you are offering at the same prices you pay for them.

The Internet offers many opportunities for the chiropractic profession. Thus far, the most important of these have been the ability to educate more people about chiropractic and foster better communication with our patients. As more chiropractic commerce goes electronic, we must remember to maintain the principles on which chiropractic is based.

Our profession and our patients must always be protected. This is primary to our survival.


October 2003
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