Myofascial Release (Two videos: Beginning and Advanced)
Myofascial Release (Two videos: Beginning and Advanced)
Sean Riehl
Real Bodywork
VHS, two-video set
Technique/practitioner education
75 minutes / 77 minutes
$90 as a set; $49.95 each if purchased separately
Part #:
V-465 / V-466
Sean Riehl has released two great videos on myofascial release techniques. Both are professional, informative and enjoyable to watch, and both are produced with relaxing background music, enthusiasm and clear discussions using diagrams and hands-on demonstrations.
In all, there are 14 sections, subdivided into seven lessons per video. The first video, Beginning Myofascial Release, is 75 minutes long and begins with an introduction about the concepts of myofascial release. Lesson 1 reviews the anatomy and physiology of fascia, along with concepts of stretching and holding techniques. Tissue types and the fascial networks also are reviewed, and four different types of releases are demonstrated: skin rolling; joint pulls; cross-ended skin stretching; and transverse plane releases. Lesson 2 is an exercise in stretching and palpating the superficial and deeper fascial planes. Lesson 3 reviews skin mobility, with a demonstration of skin rolling techniques delivered to the back and leg. Lesson 4 begins with a demonstration of scar release techniques. Four types of scar release are presented in this section: skin rolling; pinch gripping; cross-hand stretching; and direct scar releasing. Lesson 5 reviews kinesthetic joint evaluation and applications using leg and arm pulls for examining restricted ranges of motion of the hips, shoulders, neck and back. Lesson 6 is a more in-depth review of the anterior, posterior and lateral fascial planes. Clinically relevant ideas are presented for the correction of slumping posture and freeing up compressed lower back problems. Finally, lesson 7 covers pelvic floor and diaphragm fascial releasing techniques.
The second video, Advanced Myofascial Release,is 77 minutes long and brings the viewer to the next level in treating the ankle, hip, shoulder, arm, head and TMJ. Lessons 8 and 9 review the use of the plumb-line analysis for performing postural examination in the A-P and lateral planes. Lesson 10 is an overview of normal respiratory physiology. Three types of rib-cage mobility are observed and reviewed, along with corrective techniques. Lesson 11, "Balancing the Feet," reviews the three anatomical arches and concepts for correcting the fascial restrictions in the foot. Cross-hand stretches, cross-fiber techniques and holds are discussed for the treatment of plantar fascitis and Achilles tendonitis. Lesson 12 covers the hip and back; you'll find a number of great moves to correct hip rotation and public distortion patterns. Lesson 13 deals with the shoulders and arms, reviewing a number of techniques to release the rib cage and shoulder girdle. Postural correction and correction of epicondylitis are emphasized in this section. Lesson 14, "The Neck," begins with an interesting vertebral artery test recommended prior to cervical maneuvers. This section involves myofascial release for anterior and posterior cervical musculature, oriented toward the patient with whiplash or neck pain. Finally, lesson 15 reviews the head and TMJ. Included are muscle techniques for the masseter, temporalis, ptergoids and cranial musculature.
These videos are packed with great tools you can mix into your practice as adjuncts to the adjustment. Presented in small bites and easily grasped, you will be able to use and review these techniques immediately in your practice.
Dr. Kintish's rating:
10out of10
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