Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
Reputation Management 101: How to Monitor Your Online Brand
If you're like me, as a child you were taught, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." No matter what someone said to me, they weren't going to harm me with name-calling. However, as a doctor, you're not just a person; you're similar to any product or service. Doctors, their staff and their practices have a brand, and like all products or services, that brand must be protected.
The value of a brand is that patients invest for the brand's own sake, not with the usual amount of analysis, cynicism or caution. A brand creates a response among the public. Think of brands you use that create eponymous communication. Branding is more about the perception of excellence than the perception of a good deal. This holds true for services and doctors. Negative press can instantly and immeasurably harm your brand. This reality makes it essential to engage in reputation management to help protect your brand.
Why is the patient [customer] experience so important? From a business perspective, poor patient [customer] experiences result in an estimated $83 billion in lost revenue by U.S. enterprises each year because of defections and abandoned purchases.1 And according to Oracle's 2011 Customer Experience Impact Report, 89 percent of consumers began doing business with a competitor following a poor customer experience, and 26 percent posted a negative comment on a social networking site.2
Why Reputation Management Matters
The use of the Internet is outstanding, with more than 670 million Web pages and over 33 percent of the global population now engaged online. Prospective patients are utilizing search engines to find a new doctor and then conducting a tremendous amount of research to determine if that doctor's brand matches with the patient's value. In addition to the myriad websites that provide information about you, online forums, Twitter, Facebook and other social media channels can contain comments – for better or worse – about you. True, false or indifferent, these digital footprints will cast a blanket on your practice.
A proactive approach requires doctors and staff to monitor the Web on a regular basis. There are simply too many entry points that create bad press. The World Wide Web also has created a revolution of individuals who dispense negative information online, even though they would never say it to / about you in person. And with more than 1 billion searches per day, these negative ratings, comments and opinions can irreparably harm your brand.
For example, let's consider Amazon, which you've probably utilized at some point in time. Amazon is a broker of goods and services, and with each one, there is a comment area so buyers can share what they've enjoyed (or not enjoyed) about the particular product or service. Herein lies the question: How many products have you refrained from purchasing because of another reviewer's comments – whether they were truthful or not?
Now consider how this same process could impact a potential patient's decision of whether or not to book an appointment with you.
Getting Started: 8 Tips
How can you develop a system to ensure your patients speak well about your practice? If you can develop a successful system, you will ensure a steady stream of new patients enthusiastic to have you as their doctor. Here are some simple suggestions:
1. You need to be good offline and online. What you say and what your staff says to patients is alive for the world to hear. Ensure you and your staff create a positive experience from the entry point to departure. Be polite and inviting upon entry, present a solution for the patient to take home on their first visit, listen for and resolve any issues or concerns, and always end with a fond farewell and an invitation to return.
2. Scrutinize Your Online Reputation. What you and your staff say is alive on social media, websites, blogs, YouTube, etc. Anything you say today is documented electronically for the world to see. When a patient has a wonderful experience, they will tell the world about it. When the patient has a bad experience, they also will tell the world about it. Prospective and existing patients continually document the good, the bad and the ugly on a daily basis on the Internet for more than 4.5 billion people to see.
Conduct Internet searches on your name and your practice weekly. If you do not have the ability to do this, then utilize your staff to do it for you. Here are some of the things you should be reviewing:
- Search engine results: Use a variety of keywords, such as your name or your practice name, or even your last name and the city and state in which you live. Tools are available with a simple Google word search by simply searching for "free keyword tool." This will help you to discover the sites that will help you to find the proper keywords to uncover what is being said on the Internet. And since each search site is different in terms of the results it yields and the keywords it prioritizes, you need to consider utilizing all of the search sites: Google, Bing, AOL, Yahoo, etc.
- Local directory listings: Using sites such as Google, you and your staff can determine if your practice can be found by location. Your practice needs to be listed similar to how it would be in the Yellow Pages. To help you get adjusted, you may want to review this website.
- Social media: Register for all the social media sites you know your patients access, including Facebook, Twitter, SnapChat, Instagram, Digg, etc. Constantly review the "likes," "retweets" and even the comments on any of these sites to understand what your patients are saying (or aren't saying) about you.
- Physician rating and review sites: There are a plethora of review sites today including Yelp, Healthgrades, ZocDoc and literally thousands o other sites people can visit to create both a positive and negative review about your practice. Visit these sites on a weekly basis to get a better indication of what patients are saying.
- Google Alerts: If you or one of your staff members happens to have a Google account, one of the easiest ways to establish a mechanism for controlling your reputation online is to establish a Google Alert. Simply utilize keywords you are known for, such as your name or your practice name; Google has a mechanism that troll the Internet, helping monitor what's being said about you and your practice.
- Reputation management consultants: Any one of a number of reputation management companies can assist you by providing consultative services in monitoring your reputation. One of the most widely known is
3. Correct and improve information on external sites. As you continually monitor the Web, ensure your name, address and other pertinent data are correct. If you find an error, request changes be made so the correct information is listed.
4. Don't argue online. Never get into arguments with any prospective, existing or previous patients online. Remember, what you say will live in perpetuity on the Internet, so you will live to regret it. Simply take the heat and move on. It's not always easy, but it's your absolute best option.
5. Become a content expert. Providing thought leadership and expert advice related to health care will appeal to prospective and existing patients. By becoming a thought expert online, you'll also enhance your social-media and search-ranking status.
6. Be cautious about your personal activities, both past and present. Vacations and conferences are fun until the world knows about the intimate details of your activities. It is always best to err on the side of caution. Beware of posting photos or comments that put you in a compromising position or would make a potential / existing patient think twice about retaining you as their doctor.
7. Immediately respond to unhappy customers on social media. Be thoughtful about your responses and never be antagonistic. Simply resolve the problem and move on.
8. If someone mentions something positive about you / your practice, provide some reward or recognition. Think in terms of how to win friends and influence people; reward those who have been kind to you.
Maintain Your Focus
The most important tip when it comes to reputation management is to maintain your focus. Reputation management must be a practice priority so you and your staff can proactively monitor both the good and the bad issues that arise online. Your goal is to make your reputation (your name) elicit a positive response at all times.
Online Monitoring Tools
- Brand Yourself helps monitor your online reputation.
- ReviewPush, Sendible and Trackur monitor your online reviews.
- Google My Business provides visualizations of your reviews.
- Social Searcher and Social Mention are useful for monitoring your reputation on social media.
- NameChk and KnowEm create online profiles across social networks for your business to help outrank negative content.
- IFTTT lets you set up customized processes and automatic alerts in addition to Google Alerts.
Remember, your name and your practice is a brand. Based upon services offered, patient service and other nuances, there is value placed in the patient's mind. It is this positioning that creates an emotional appeal whereby patients book appointments for brand sake.
Reputation management, when handled appropriately, can potentially increase pipeline flow, decrease obstacles to prospective patient entry and increase your revenue. It's similar to planting a tree and ensuring it has viable root structure – root your future revenue today.
- Loechner J. "Poor Customer Service Costs Companies $83 Billion Annually." MediaPost, Feb. 18, 2010.
- Oracle 2011 Customer Experience Impact Report: Getting to the Heart of the Consumer and Brand Relationship.