Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
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The Vaccine Debate: No Debate at All
Dear Editor:
I just finished reading the article regarding vaccination by Dr. Aamodt ["The Case for Immunization," Nov. 1, 2014 DC]. The article, like many others I read in chiropractic periodicals, has mild innuendos of our ignorance as a profession and the author's self-proclaimed adherence to the so-called scientific model. I don't normally have time to respond to such articles, but this one needs my attention.
First, let me share my background on this issue. I too have been in practice 32 years, and have four children and three grandchildren, all unvaccinated and very healthy. S,o my involvement started 32 years ago not because of chiropractic philosophy, but to find what is best for my own children. Anyone who has done this knows the obstacles faced when trying to get accurate information regarding vaccines.
There are several issues with vaccines that need discussion; some are scientific and some are statistical. First, we know injecting foreign proteins, DNA and neurotoxins damages the nervous and immune systems. We also know that the likelihood of this damage increases when vaccines are used at a very early age. This is backed up by statistics on several levels using data from around the world.
I will begin with the doctor's conclusions because they reveal the actual amount of time he has spent on this issue. Dr. Aamodt thinks we as a profession should support controls over the delivery system? The delivery system, while not the best, is the least of the problems with vaccines. I also wonder if Dr. Aamodt has been involved in the vaccine debate at all. The reason I say this is because there is no debate. This, in my opinion, is the biggest problem. The pharmaceutical companies do not allow discussion. Their product is backed by the government, they are protected against prosecution and they make way too much money.
Need evidence? Look no further than Dr. Bill Thompson, co-author of a study for the CDC that looked at the link between vaccine and autism. He has admitted to removing data clearly linking the two. There is your reason for suspicion. So, do your homework, be a teacher as your degree implies, and help to educate your patients so they may make intelligent decisions based in real science.
As for us cave-dwelling, flat Earth, unscientific chiropractors who cling to the horse-and-buggy-days philosophy, hang in there; science is on our side. As the medical profession scrambles to jump on the health care wagon, too many chiropractors are jumping off. We are health care providers, not neuromusculoskeletal pain specialists. We have paid a high price for giving away our true specialty, and yes, we must get back to our roots and stick to them.
There are lots of scientific articles, and more coming all the time, that prove D.D. Palmer's initial theories. My favorite is titled, "Can the Nervous System Be Hacked," The New York Times, May 23, 2014. Google it ... it says it all.
James M. Lynch, DC
Montpelier, Vt.