Education & Seminars

Council on Chiropractic Education Announces New President/CEO

The Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) is pleased to announce the appointment of Tom Benberg, EdD, as the council's president / chief executive officer. The appointment comes after a comprehensive search by the CCE Presidential Search Committee, a committee comprised of a cross-section of leadership stakeholders and interested parties within the chiropractic profession.

Benberg joins the CCE after serving as senior vice president / chief of staff for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS) in Duluth, Ga. With an extremely strong accreditation background and widespread respect in the accreditation community, Benberg's 17 years' experience with SACS, helping institutions understand the standards, demonstrate compliance with the standards, and communicate their case effectively, will be a significant asset to the CCE's charge.

"The CCE Executive Committee, Councilors and Staff welcome the opportunity to benefit from Benberg's extensive knowledge of accreditation and his strengths in stakeholder communication, training and education at this time in our organizational history," commented CCE Council Chair, Craig Little, DC.

Source: Council on Chiropractic Education

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