Education & Seminars

Anglo-European College of Chiropractic Offering "Medical English" Courses

The Anglo-European College of Chiropractic (AECC) is continually striving for innovation in the health care field and will be launching a series of "medical English" language courses next month.

More than 44,000 overseas medical professionals moved to the U.K. to take up posts in hospitals and general practices last year and around one-third of GPs are non-U.K. qualified currently. While many professionals arrive in the U.K. with a sufficient command of English and are able to work without any problems, there are a significant number who experience linguistic difficulties.

MESOL ("Medical English for Speakers of Other Languages") courses have been designed with various kinds of health care professionals in mind and are developed to fit around their busy schedules. MESOL courses begin on Monday, Nov. 8, with a "Health Professionals" course. This is a six-week course and covers doctor/patient greetings, establishing contact and opening questions, verbal communication, voice management, listening and cultural awareness. The course costs #399 per week plus a #20 charge to cover teaching materials.

Through a combination of textbook-based and practical sessions, health professionals will be able to improve their command of the English language and also organize their own customized studies and polish their medical presentation skills.

A MESOL course for nursing will start on Monday, Jan. 10, 2011. This a four-week course costing #199 per week plus a £20 charge to cover teaching materials.

Full details can found by visiting or by contacting MESOL Language Consultant Rick Jones at 01202 436200 or

Source: Anglo-European College of Chiropractic

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