Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
FCLB Meeting: Educational Sessions, Awards, Election of New Board
The Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) hosted its 83rd Annual Educational Congress May 6-10, 2009 in Hollywood, Calif. The conference highlighted the importance of transparency in regulation. Approximately 100 attendees from the U.S. and Canada represented chiropractic licensing boards, testing organizations and chiropractic colleges.
The educational portion of the conference opened with a welcome message from Dr. Carl Cleveland III, president of Cleveland Chiropractic Colleges, and Dr. Ronald Kraft, president of Southern California University of Health Sciences. Dr. Cleveland also spoke about the importance of encouraging a new generation of leaders and regulators in the 2009 Janse Lecture, "Who Among Us Will Sustain the Flame?"
Other educational sessions included:
- Regulatory Impacts of the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners
- Board Services on the Web
- Making Defensible Decisions About Professional Discipline
- Record-Keeping Challenges and Resources for Boards
- NBCE Post-Licensure Examinations
- Uniform Sanction Guidelines
- Regulating New Procedures, Equipment, and Devices
- Collaborative Practice: Animals as Chiropractic Patients
- Duties of an NBCE Part IV Examiner
- Imposing Sanctions and Ensuring Effective Implementation
- Trends in Regulation: Top Recent Regulatory Cases
- Accountability and Responsibility
FCLB delegates passed a resolution amending the federation's Statement of Principles, Ethical Behavior, Non-Disclosure, and Conflict of Interest to add a procedure for handling complaints. A second resolution was passed revising the FCLB's mission statement to better reflect the organization's focus on member boards. Finally, members voted to approve a revision to the current dues structure. Full text of these resolutions is available on the FCLB Web site.
Elections - FCLB Board of Directors
Dr. Daniel Saint-Germain (Quebec City) was elected FCLB president and Dr. Lawrence O'Connor (N.J.) was elected as vice president. Delegates also elected Dr. LeRoy Otto (Minn.), former district II director, as treasurer, and Dr. Larry Spicer (also from Minn.) as administrative fellow director.
District IV elected Dr. Margaret Colucci (Nev.) as the new director and Dr. Leslie Schmidt (N.M.) as the alternate. District III elected Dr. Marc Gamerman to fill the vacant alternate director seat. The Board of Directors elected Dr. Farrel Grossman (S.C.), district V director, to serve as board chair for 2009-10.
Awards and Recognition
- The 2009 Dr. Earl L. Wiley Outstanding Board Award was presented to the Ordre des Chiropraticiens du Quebec for their strident efforts in public protection.
- Dr. Oliver Smith awarded special presidential recognition to Dr. Hugh Lubkin and Mr. Brian Stiger (Calif.), Dr. Michael Megehee (Ore.), Dr. Paul Morin (Maine) and Dr. Kirk Shilts (Mass.).
- A new honor, recognizing continuous dedication to public protection, was introduced. These Pillars of Chiropractic Regulation were awarded to Dr. Jerry Blanchard (N.D.), Dr. Gary Counselman (KS), Dr. Donna Craft (NBCE), Dr. Tom Fullerton (Mont.), Dr. Marc Gamerman (Md.), Ms. Jeanine Gardner (Okla.), Dr. Hank Hulteen (S.C.), Dr. Gene Jenkins (Fla.), Dr. Sal LaRusso (also Fla.), Dr. Robin Lecy (NBCE), Dr. Karen Mathiak (Ga.), Dr. Al Norville (Miss.), Ms. Patricia Oliver (La.), Dr. Bill Rademacher (Ill.), Dr. Leslie Schmidt (N.M.), Dr. Ted Scott (Utah), Dr. Louis Sportelli (NCMIC), Dr. Al Stabile (N.J.), and Dr. Lew Wheelwright (Utah).
- Dr. Smith then presented the 2009 George R. Arvidson Award for Meritorious Service to Dr. Vernon Temple (Vt.), NBCE president, for his exceptional leadership, innovation, and service to public protection.
- Finally, in a surprise presentation, Dr. Saint-Germain, newly elected president of the FCLB, honored Dr. Smith with a second 2009 Arvidson Award for his outstanding work in financially stabilizing the FCLB and strengthening the organization's focus.
A complete agenda, list of faculty, awards presentations and many of the 2009 educational sessions are available on the federation's Web site.
Next year's meeting is scheduled for April 28 - May 2, 2010 at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards in Baltimore.
Source: Federation of Chiropractic State Licensing Boards