Patient Education

What Do Your Patients Need to Know the Most? We Need Your Help!

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

Sometime during the first week of January 2007, your copy of Dynamic Chiropractic will arrive in a plastic "polybag." Included in the polybag along with DC will be a copy of To Your Health, a new publication designed specifically for your patients to read in your waiting room.

To Your Health's mission is to educate and inform your chiropractic patients. This is a publication designed to promote you as the health expert and your practice as the first choice in health care. To do this effectively, we need your direction and feedback.

To Your Health is a high-quality, all-color magazine, equal in quality to the magazines you currently have in your waiting room. Your patients will read articles that continually encourage them to "ask their doctor." Our goal is to educate and inform your patients so they will ask you about all you can do for every aspect of their health and wellness.

But we need your help to effectively accomplish our mission and goals:

We Want Your Input! This is a publication designed to serve you and your patients. You are essentially an honorary member of our "editorial board." Please take a few minutes and e-mail ( your thoughts about what you want our specific editorial priorities to be. What do your patients need to know the most? Your input will provide direction for our editors as they develop each issue. (Of course, you always can e-mail your suggestions to us anytime. Some doctors already have begun to do so.)

We Need Your Feedback! We will e-mail you a very short (taking 3 minutes or less) electronic survey regarding various aspects of To Your Health. This will give you an opportunity for continuous feedback. By taking these short surveys, you will provide additional direction as we fine-tune the publication. (Please go to to sign up for these surveys. Your e-mail address will never be sold or shared with anyone.)

We Need Your Patients' Feedback, Too! Your patients ultimately are the ones who will enjoy the greatest benefit from To Your Health. Let us know what they think about the publication. Do they want to take it home and share it with their families? How can we better serve them? We will be sending you one issue of To Your Health every month. We need to know if you need more.

Through To Your Health, we want your patients to:

  • better understand the role chiropractic plays in their total health and wellness;
  • better recognize you as the expert in their health;
  • better appreciate the care you provide them; and
  • better understand the other forms of care you offer.

As a doctor and an honorary member of To Your Health's editorial board, you are empowered to direct the information provided to your patients every month. To Your Health will begin the educational process and ultimately point your patients to you for specific information. Your patients will be informed and educated to a level that will make them feel more comfortable in following your recommendations. They will better appreciate you for the health care expert you really are, and will encourage their family, friends and co-workers to see you for all of their health care needs, not just back pain.

Please help us do the best job we can for you and your patients.

Thank you.


September 2006
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