In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
Consortium Study Set on Appropriateness of Spinal Manipulation for the Cervical Spine
SAN JOSE, Calif. -- In an effort to direct chiropractic research away from the low-back influence, the Consortium for Chiropractic Research (CCR) voting members approved funding of a research project that could have significant impact on the profession's standing in health care delivery.
In a format and design similar to the RAND study, The Appropriateness of Spinal Manipulation for Low-Back Pain, principals from LACC, Palmer-West, and other CCR member organizations will study the appropriateness of spinal manipulation for cervical spine problems. The grant for the project is approximately $108,000, the funds being the first to be allocated from the AMA lawsuit awards dedicated by eleven of the member colleges (see "AMA Challenges Chiropractic Profession," April 23, 1993 issue of Dynamic Chiropractic). The AMA lawsuit funds provide just over $300,000 annually to the CCR research budget. Efforts for future proposals are to be directed to non-low back pain research.
Principal investigators for this project are William Meeker, DC, MPH, and Alan Adams, MS, DC. This project consists of a four-stage consensus development process which will determine the appropriateness of spinal manipulation of the cervical spine. The project will use sophisticated methods to attempt an exhaustive review of relevant scientific literature, and established consensus methods for the development of appropriateness ratings. The expert panel process developed by the RAND Corp. will be repeated for sets of clinical indications for spinal manipulation of the cervical spine. The clinical indications will include clinical presentation of multiple conditions including concerns regarding complications or risks
The appropriateness ratings will have use in the subsequent development of practice guidelines, standards of care, review criteria, and quality assurance efforts. They will also help clinicians decide on the appropriate use of spinal manipulation in specific clinical situations.
Annual Meeting of the Consortium
Growing interest in chiropractic research was evident at the annual meeting of the Consortium for Chiropractic Research (CCR). The June 17th meeting in Monterey, California was attended by the largest group of members in the Consortium's history. As Dr. Kurt Hegetschweiler, delegate for the ACA and California Chiropractic Association was heard to say, "This looks like a meeting of the United Nations." The CCR, now embarking on its ninth year, holds its annual meetings as a part of their Conference on Research and Education (CORE) each June. The 1994 annual meeting of the Consortium will be held in San Diego.
CCR Leadership Elected
William C. Meeker, DC, MPH was re-elected to another term as president of the Consortium. The organization has demonstrated steady growth under Dr. Meeker's previous term as president. He is the representative of Palmer College of Chiropractic-West and its dean of research. Elected to the office of vice president is Joanne Nyiendo, PhD, director of research at Western States Chiropractic College. Dr. Grace Jacobs of Cleveland Chiropractic College, Los Angeles was elected secretary; and Dr. Ruth Sandefur of Cleveland College of Chiropractic, Kansas City is treasurer. Selected as a board member is Dr. Gary Sanders of Logan College of Chiropractic. This slate of officers will serve a two-year term.
New Voting Member to CCR
At this annual meeting, the CCR voted to accept the Florida Chiropractic Association (FCA) as its newest sustaining member. This entitles the FCA to all voting rights with regard to the Consortium's business and research decisions. Other than the 13-member chiropractic colleges, there are only three other organizations with voting rights in the Consortium. Besides the FCA, the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research (FCER) and the California Chiropractic Foundation (a charter member) possess full membership status.This is a landmark action. It shows that organizations other than the research departments of the member colleges, such as state and national associations, can become actively involved in the future of chiropractic research with voting privileges. Currently there are 12 organizations that hold nonvoting associate member status, including two national associations and two state associations. While representatives of the associate member organizations cannot vote, they can be actively involved in committee functions.
The current voting member colleges include: Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Cleveland Chiropractic College-Kansas City, Cleveland Chiropractic College-Los Angeles, Life Chiropractic College-West, Logan College of Chiropractic, Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, National College of Chiropractic, New York Chiropractic College, Northwestern College of Chiropractic, Palmer College of Chiropractic, Palmer College of Chiropractic-West, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and Western States Chiropractic College.
For more information about the Consortium for Chiropractic Research, contact Seva Craven, executive secretary, 90 East Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
Daniel T. Hansen, DC, FICC
Olympia, Washington