Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Chiropractor's Smart Shopping System
Chiropractor's Smart Shopping System
The most important aspect of making a purchase is to:
Know Your Choices
For this reason, Dynamic Chiropractic offers the "_S_mart _S_hopping _S_ystem" (SSS), an advertising directory that works for you!If you are considering purchasing supplies, equipment or attending a seminar anytime within the next 6 months, let the_S_mart _S_hopping _S_ystem be your guide.
Simply choose all of the companies that offer products of interest to you by referring to the listings below. Circle their SSS # then pull out the Smart Shopping Card located after page 32. Circle the corresponding SSS #'s on the card, add your name and address, and drop it in the mail. In a few weeks, you will receive the information you need to make an informed choice. Or if you need the information sooner, just call the phone number listed.
Don't waste time or money, let the Chiropractor's
_S_mart _S_hopping _S_ystem do the work for you!
Company Name Page # SSS# Phone # .....|..........................................$.....$...................$ TABLE SUPPLIERS Hessco-Wessco 167 800-237-5652 Leander Health Technologies Corp. 49 800-635-8188 Lloyd Table Company 36 800-553-7297 Quality Tables by Steed 58 Titan Technology International 51 800-688-4826
CHIROPRACTIC SUPPLIES Body Support Systems 54 Body Support Systems 124 Dee Cee Laboratories 103 800-257-8182 Professional Suppliers, Inc. 93
ANATOMICAL PRODUCTS H.T. Lensgraf Co. Inc. 72 800-438-4611
ORTHOPEDIC SUPPLIES Anabolic Laboratories 203 800-445-6849 Foot Leveler's, Inc. 133 800-553-4860 Pillow Place 89
X-RAY SUPPLIES Wuestec Medical 90
FINANCIAL SERVICES DenCharge 112 800-854-9316
MISC. PRODUCTS & SERVICES DMS/Direct Mail Services 52 Donnelly College 26 Lipkowitz, DC 26 Myofunctional Research Co. Austrailia 104 Palmer College of Chiropractic n/a Palmer College of Chiropractic n/aDIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT AMS/Altoona Medical Supplies 131 Centens 19 Faro Medical Technologies, Inc. 75 800-736-6063 Futrex, Inc. 173 ODC/Olsen Distributing Co. 6 Spinal Analysis Machine 138 800-752-3263 Tens Super Source 106 Tens Wholesalers 31
POST EDUCATIONAL/SEMINARS Baby Adjusters 145 800-824-3031 Chiropractic Assn. of S. Africa 193 800-822-5368 Concept Therapy 152 Irene Gold Associates, Inc. 15 215-649-8300 Motion Palpation Institute n/a 714-230-3159 Neuro Emotional Technique 73 800-888-4638 Practice Systems 185 602-991-3319 Select Success Seminars 91 512-329-5544 Sigafoose Seminars 64 Sigafoose Seminars 64 Spine Research Institute 95 800-423-9860 Texas Chiropractic College 12 800-533-9822 The British Institute of Homeopothy 92 The Upledger Institute 83 800-233-5880
PHYSICAL THERAPY SUPPLIES Brilhante Co., Inc. 17 800-223-2225 Scrip, Inc. 105 800-747-3488 Wellness Innovations/Thumper 169 800-387-4211 Yoga Tools 201
NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS/HOMEOPATHIC PRODUCTS United Chiropractic Education Alliance 99 Apex Energetics 19 800-736-4381 Apex Energetics 24 800-736-4381
INSURANCE PROVIDERS Nat'l Chiro. Mutual Ins. Co. 40 800-247-8043
PATIENT EDUCATION Custom Column 87 Patient Care Information Systems, Inc. 110 305-388-0022
COMPUTER PRODUCTS AMS/Doctor's Office Mgmt. Software 35 DBC, Inc. 34 215-847-5065 E.J. George Software 205 Lacy Chiropractic Management 59 800-881-5229 Lytec Medical 150 800-735-1991 MBA, Inc. 43 800-456-2622 Micro4, Inc. 122 800-235-1856 The Computer Place 96 800-333-4747PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Consultants on Call 37 900-896-0080 Impact Practice Management 11 800-460-2288 Nutrition Management Consultants/Yuba 202 One on One Practice Management 99
Note: Unfortunately, it is not possible to create an icon for every type of product or service. Also, many companies offer more than one product or service. Please refer to the advertisement on the page number listed for specific information.
- Tables
- Diagnostic Equipment
- Post Educational/Seminars
- Physical Therapy Supplies
- Nutrition Supplement/Homeopathic Products
- Insurance Providers
- Patient Education Material
- Computer Products
- Practice Management
11.Anatomical Products
12.Orthopedic Supplies
13.X-Ray Supplies
14.Financial Services
15.Misc. Products and Services