Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Let's Applaud Unity
It is no secret that this publication has been critical of some of Dr. Terry Rondberg's actions. We have spoken out against using research as a patient recruitment scheme (VSRI), contacting foreign governments directly while ignoring their national chiropractic associations, and his involvement in the laundering of political contributions in AzSCAM (there is still a hearing pending before the Arizona State Licensing Board on this). But his latest actions deserve recognition and encouragement.
Because many DCs don't receive the Chiropractic Journal, and others choose not to read it, you need to understand what Dr. Rondberg stated in his June editorial. Dr. Rondberg has apparently given serious consideration to the role of the World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA) in the chiropractic profession. He states:
"Recently, I have been forced to rethink the premise upon which the WCA was built due to today's political climate."The editorial goes on to compare the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). He makes it clear that he believes the ICA "broad enough to encompass virtually all DCs, including those who choose to incorporate modalities in their practices." Dr. Rondberg states that the ICA "is the only viable organization which has a hope of maintaining chiropractic's identity while ensuring its place in the overall health care delivery system."
Finally, Dr. Rondberg makes several appeals:
"My first action will be to ask all WCA members to also join the ICA NOW."While the editorial is full of "ACA bashing," it does send a clear message, particularly to the approximately 900 DCs who are dues paying members of the WCA:"Next, I urge ALL doctors of straight chiropractic to also join the ICA NOW."
"I urge all unaffiliated doctors to join the ICA NOW."
"Finally, I urge all members of the ACA who want to retain the identity of chiropractic as a drug-free, subluxation-based health care profession to join the ICA NOW."
The WCA has been almost nonexistent during the efforts by the ICA, ACA, the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, the Coalition for Inclusion of Chiropractic in National Health Care Reform, the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee and others to address the impending health care reform in the Unites States. The number of dues paying DCs in the WCA is not growing, and many of the promised membership benefits have failed to come to fruition.
This is a wonderful opportunity for unity. According to Dr. Rondberg, the ICA meets the needs of the profession.
This should be a time when the WCA members join the ICA and Dr. Rondberg uses his energies within the ICA. This is a time to fold the WCA and its members into the ICA to enhance its ability to serve the chiropractic profession.
This does not need to be done at the expense of any other organization. The ICA has no shortage of accomplishments to shout about; Dr. Rondberg doesn't need to buttress the ICA's credibility by bashing the ACA. We wouldn't want to see the "merging" of the WCA members into the ICA to incite a war between the ACA and ICA.
The only relevant issue: What is best for the chiropractic profession? Having the WCA fold into the ICA would not only be better for the WCA members, Dr. Rondberg, and the ICA, it would also be much better for the chiropractic profession. This new unity would give our profession a big boost when it needs it most.
I personally applaud Dr. Rondberg's actions. We may not always agree, but we will always agree on unity.
Take a minute to congratulate and encourage Dr. Rondberg on his choice for chiropractic unity. He could probably use some encouragement in the face of having to abandon the WCA. It is not easy to give up your dreams for the good of the profession.
You may wish to drop a short note to:
Terry Rondberg, D.C.
2950 N. Dobson Road, Suite 1
Chandler, AZ 85224
DMP Jr., BS, HCD (hc)