News / Profession

CNN Gets the Chiropractic Viewpoint

FCLB Presents Strong Rebuttal to "20/20"
Editorial Staff

While many chiropractic organizations launched counterattacks after "20/20"'s recent hit-piece on chiropractic pediatrics, most settled for limited exposure in a medium other than national television. Fortunately the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB), led by Georgia Board of Chiropractic Examiners President Hewett "Mac" Alden, DC, gained access to national exposure.

At the annual FCLB conference in April (see the May 6, 1994 issue), "CNN Medical News" brought in a reporting team to look at chiropractic through the eyes of the profession's licensing boards. CNN felt the FCLB gathering represented an ideal interviewing forum, knowing that many of the outstanding leaders of chiropractic would be in attendance.

The CNN team, producer, camera and sound people, was on location for almost 4 1/2 hours taping interviews.

Hewett "Mac" Alden, DC, commented: "In the face of recent journalistic fabrications based on half truths ("20/20" and the American Heart Association press release), the CNN (coverage) has the potential of effectively setting the public straight about the standards of excellence in competent chiropractic care. Our state licensing boards continue to play a crucial role in maintaining clinical excellence in chiropractic on behalf of the healing welfare and safety of the public we serve."

Editor's note: CNN is expected to air a 30 minute feature on chiropractic in the near future. If at all possible, "DC" will notify the profession prior to that airing. We watching for front page information on this exciting event.

May 1994
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