News / Profession

California Forum

News of the California Chiropractic Association
Editorial Staff

Legislative Team Meets with Congressional Leaders

A legislative team from the CCA, led by Bradley Sullivan, DC, assoc. president, discussed national health care reform in Washington, D.C., Feb. 23-25 (see "Nat'l Chiro. Legislative Conference Hits Capitol Hill," in the April 8th issue of "DC").

CCA leaders joining Dr. Sullivan were Kurt Hegetschweiler, DC, chair of the legislative commission; Robert Dark, DC, chair of the political action committee; Jerilynn Kaibel, DC, delegate to the ACA; Garrett Cuneo, executive dir.; Phillip Recht, legal counsel; Lowry Morton, DC, exec. committee member of the ACA board of governors; Reed Phillips, DC, PhD, president of LACC; Shawn Steel, Esq.; Rob Engel, DC; and Paul Scott of LACC.

The team met with 25 members of Congress and their staff, including democratic Calif. congressmen Henry Waxman and Pete Stark, and Senator Orrin Hatch (D-Utah).


Petaluma DC Hosts Chiropractic Radio Program

Dr. Robert Dubin currently broadcasts a weekly radio program every Sunday from 7-9 p.m. on KATD, 990 AM in Concord, California. Between music sets, Dr. Dubin interviews people from the health professions in an effort to educate listeners on health care options. Recent guests have included Dr. Charles Lantz, research director of LCCW, and DCs Moses Jacob and Irene Lamberti.


Chiropractic College News

Southern California College of Chiropractic

CCE Site Visit

The Southern California College of Chiropractic (SCCC) had a site visitation by the Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE) March 14-18. The CCE's Commission on Accreditation (COA) will make a decision regarding SCCC accreditation in late June or July. SCCC continues to be accredited by SCASA, and remains approved by the California State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, enabling its graduates to sit for the California State Board Exams.


Life Chiropractic College West

Faculty Member Honored

Malik Slosberg, DC, of Pleasanton, California, who teaches subluxation pathology at Life West and is on the college's postgraduate faculty, has been selected for inclusion in the 1994 edition of Who's Who Among America's Teachers.

Dr. Slosberg's manuscript "Side posture manipulation for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation reconsidered," has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT).


Research Director Contributes to Textbook

Research Director Charles "Skip" Lantz, DC, PhD.

Dr. Charles "Skip" Lantz, research director at LCCW, has contributed to the textbook, The Chiropractic Theories, Principles, and Clinical Applications, written by Robert A. Leach, DC, and published by Williams & Wilkins. Dr. Lantz authored "Appendix B: Integrated Physiological Model for VSC," which describes the vertebral subluxation complex and its implications for patient care. This is the third edition of the text, which also includes a contribution from Reed Phillips, DC, PhD, president of LACC.


Golf Classic

LCCW has scheduled its 1994 Golf Classic for May 5, 1994. The annual golf tournament, Northern California's largest golfing event, will benefit research at Life West, and will feature a $20,000 hole-in-one prize sponsored by OUM & Associates.


Cleveland Chiropractic College of Los Angeles

Remedial Education?

Georgeanne Gaulden, director of student services at Cleveland Chiropractic College of Los Angeles (CCCLA) attended the 18th Annual National Association for Developmental Education (NADE) Conference March 2-6 in Kansas City, Missouri. Over 1300 representatives from colleges and universities throughout the U.S. and several foreign countries attended the conference.

Ms. Gaulden said that because of the many students entering higher education that are academically underprepared, the "major challenge faced by colleges and universities is remediation and special programming to support retention and success."


National Dean's List

The names of 69 students and graduates from CCCLA will be included in the 17th annual edition of The National Dean's List, 1993-94. To be named to this national listing, students must have in 1993 earned a 3.4 grade point average, rendered their services to the college, and demonstrated outstanding citizenship.


Los Angeles College of Chiropractic

Dr. Reed B. Phillips, LACC president.

LACC President Receives CCF Research Grant

Reed B. Phillips, DC, PhD, president of Los Angeles College of Chiropractic (LACC) has been awarded $2,500 from the Chiropractic Centennial Foundation (CCF) for his study "J.J. -- The Story of Joseph Janse: A Chiropractor." Dr. Phillips proposal was one of four winning entries for the CCF research awards in the history category. He will be working on the research with Joey Janse, DC, Joseph Janse's daughter. The complete paper will be presented at the Chiropractic Centennial Celebration in Davenport in September of 1995.


Faculty and Student Computer Labs

A new faculty computer lab, which open earlier this year, will be followed shortly by the opening of a student computer lab at LACC. The student lab will be temporarily housed in the Learning Resource Center. The lab will provide students with equipment and software to help them prepare their classroom projects and assignments. It will also act as an extension to the Learning Resource Center, providing access to the literature data bases such as MEDLINE and CHIROLARS.

The faculty and student computer labs were made possible by recent donations from Foot Levelers Corporation; Amervest Company, Inc; Vicente, Lloyd, Stutzman; the Japanese Spinal Manipulation Society; and Mrs. Neone Fitches Jones.

April 1994
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