
300 Issues Later ...

Donald Petersen Jr., BS, HCD(hc), FICC(h)

When the first issue of Dynamic Chiropractic was published in January of 1983, it was a unique form of information for the chiropractic profession. While newspapers were giving you "all the news fit to print," and radio/television were providing the sound bites, there was nowhere for DCs to find out what was happening in their own profession.

The issue you are holding is the 300th issue of Dynamic Chiropractic. It is part of our consistent effort to keep you well-informed. Readers in North American see a new publication every two weeks; the rest of the world sees DC once a month.

Over the past 300 issues, almost 14 years, a number of chiropractic publications have come and gone. Today there are several chiropractic periodicals which are barely surviving. The desperation is evident in the slow but steady erosion of journalistic integrity that has become obvious in the editorial content of many national chiropractic periodicals. They have chosen to "sell" their editorial/advertorial space to their advertisers to survive.

We are in the midst of an information explosion within the chiropractic profession. The Internet is making it possible to communicate with each other, our patients, and the general public at lightning speed. This is both good and bad.

The good news is that information can be gathered and disseminated instantly to a world wide audience. The World Wide Web has become the latest publishing medium, carrying its own level of presumed "authority."

The bad news is that erroneous, biased, or journalistically eroded information can speed around the globe unchecked before anyone can correct it or demonstrate that it just isn't true! We have already seen this happen several times, leaving an untold number of DCs and patients accepting untrue information as valid.

The old admonishment, "Don't believe everything you read," should be applied to the Internet. The Internet can be a very powerful tool for you to gain exposure for your practice, communicate to your patients, and connect yourself more closely with the chiropractic profession and the health care world beyond. You may not like computers, or even know how to turn one on, but the Internet is quickly becoming a part of everyday life.

Between 20 and 25 million Americans currently have access to the Internet, and that number is dynamically increasing. That's almost one out of every 10 people in your community.

As the Internet makes its way into every home and office, chiropractic must be a part of that presence. This will be yet another way that we can educate the public (and your patients) about the benefits of chiropractic care.

Dynamic Chiropractic is expanding its focus. Not only do we want to bring the world to you, we want to bring you to the world.

What began with the Chiropractic Centennial Foundation documentary (even with all of the initial problems) will be a continuing trend into the next century. There is incredible power in well-delivered information. That has already been amply demonstrated.

It is our goal and our mission to not only bring you the information you need to serve your patients better, but to show you ways to better communicate the message of chiropractic with your community and the world.

That's the commitment from all of us here at Dynamic Chiropractic.


November 1996
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