Because they have yet to pass national legislation protecting the chiropractic profession, Japanese DCs are in a similar situation that U.S. DCs faced. We were fortunate enough to be able to pass chiropractic licensure state by state. The DCs in Japan must accomplish this nationally, which has proved to be an extremely difficult task. And in spite of their efforts, Japanese DCs are currently faced with two chiropractic professions.
Staying Current on the Latest News
The chiropractor who leaves the college environment after a few years may realize their isolation from the academic community. Not staying current on research often causes the development of "information anorexia syndrome." Being out of the loop, compounded with busy schedules and a lack of time to do extensive searches, are just a few obstacles. Besides, how can a doctor find time to read through hundreds of pages a month just for some small pearls of useful information? These roadblocks create a distance between doctor and discovery.
Using the Internet and subscribing to chiropractic and non-chiropractic periodicals, journals, newsletters and other forms of information sources is usually the only way to keep current. In turn, staying current with information will help promote chiropractic (for children and adults alike) and the wellness care movement that many of our colleagues provide in their community. When the doctor seeks to stay current with information, the benefits are twofold: keeping themselves and their staff knowledgeable, and providing new data that will benefit the health of their patients.
Displaying your information can be a part of your educational environment. Create binders or use specific slipcover folders for topics, and place them in the reception area or adjusting room. Mount a 5x7 clear plastic sheet holder in the adjusting room and change the information sheet each week. A written message on a white board in the adjusting room can also convey timely materials and topics. Themes for the message board can cover a variety of topics: benefits of chiropractic care; philosophy of health; latest research or news discoveries; prevention tips; and class or seminar announcements, just to name a few.
Sources of information are available to your office quite easily. If you had to order one newspaper that has an interesting health article weekly, your best investment is USA Today. For example, the front page of the January 31, 1997 issue had an article headlined, "Vaccine caused almost all polio since '80." By copying the article, the doctor can display it in the 5x7 plastic sheet holder, then a week or two later remove the sheet and place it in a health information binder.
I'm also including a short list of other alternative information sources that you may find useful. It is not the intention of the author to exclude any other information sources, but rather to provide a list of doctors to investigate these off the beaten path sources.
Drs. Gentempo and Kent provide a heavy review of science with their monthly tape series "On Purpose." Besides the tapes, this thorough series also includes a reference list and this year has added the "Drug of the Month" review sheet. For example, in the January 1997 issue, a list of approximately fourteen references was enclosed on the topic of vaccinations. Two reference examples are:
Cohn V. Vaccines and risks: The responsibility of the media, scientists, and clinicians. JAMA 1996:276(23):1917, and
Rock A: The lethal dangers of the billion-dollar vaccine business. Money, December 1996. 149.
Another monthly educational tape series comes from Drs. Plaugher and Lopes, who are well-known as the editors of The Textbook of Clinical Chiropractic: A Specific Biomechanical Approach. This tape series is not only directed for science, but covers information on subluxation, examination procedures, outcome measurements, specific full spine adjustments, and all aspects of patient management. Included is a patient information letter that the doctor can reproduce in their office and disseminate. The patient letter, which is also available in Spanish, provides the science in language that is easily understood.
The Vaccine Reaction Bi-Monthly Newsletter, provided by the National Vaccine Information Center (800-909-SHOT), has a goal to inform, question, and stimulate debate while broadening the public's knowledge about disease and vaccination. The newsletter explores public health policy, alternative health care, constitutional law, religion, and civil and human rights.
The International Journal of Chiropractic, a publication from the Gonstead Clinical Studies Society, is another hidden treasure. With every issue this publication includes interesting topics, research, case studies and abstracts from the literature. For example, a recent issue contained an article on prevention and recognition of spinal subluxation in children. With very little time and effort, the doctor can review these abstracts on numerous research papers. They can be reached by telephone at (408) 944-6087; by e-mail at; or you can look up their web site: [url=][/url].
Members of the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association (800-670-KIDS) receive a monthly newsletter and post current information on their website ([url=][/url]). This association, founded by the late Dr. Larry Webster, is continuing to provide resourceful information in the field of pediatric chiropractic.
Dr. Gerry Clum, president of Life Chiropractic College West provides a bi-monthly information fax. This four page fax, "The Latest Stuff from Gerry," can keep any chiropractor on the cutting edge of news from the health and political field.
Many doctors are interested on how they can receive copies of chiropractic and medical articles. The majority of chiropractic college libraries will perform the search and provide copies for a nominal charge. If you average the minimal fee for these subscriptions or the article searches over a year, you can stay very current for the cost of just two adjustments a month (or 50 dollars).
The ability to stay informed is easily in the grasp of the doctor. Many of these sources, because of their concentration, can save you time and money by covering only articles that provide current information that is more beneficial for your practice. Not only is it advantageous for the doctor to expand his or her base of current knowledge, but it further allows the opportunity to educate their staff and patients.
Claudia Anrig, DC
Clovis, California