In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
"Reflections" of Eight Years (87 Articles) in Dynamic Chiropractic
As I travel throughout the world, I have been fortunate to meet scores of chiropractors in places I never thought anyone would ever know or recognize me. This has prompted me to always be on as good as behavior as possible. Besides the usual and predictable airport terminals in which I have been introduced to possibly hundreds of DCs who recognize me from my picture attached to my articles in Dynamic Chiropractic, I have met DCs from literally around the world: on a cruise ship in Alaska; on a mountain trail in Switzerland; at the casino in Monte Carlo; at a snorkel rent shop by Australia's Great Barrier Reef; at a gelato stand in Venice; at the Mayan pyramids of Chichenitza on the Yucatan Peninsula; on top of the World Trade Center in New York; at the Miss Saigon play in London; looking in the window of a "snake restaurant" in Taipei; at a sheep ranch in New Zealand; at a Sushi bar in Kyoto, Japan; walking down Canal Street in Amsterdam; at CN Tower in Toronto; at the Eiffel Tower in Paris; and most recently at Christmas Eve Midnight Mass at St. Peter's in the Vatican.
Chiropractors worldwide read Dynamic Chiropractic!
When meeting DCs from around the world, one of the most frequent statements I hear, is that they read my article every month and have saved everyone of them (yeah, right). When I inquire how long they have been clipping articles, the replies vary from a year or two to as long as eight years. Recently I met a practitioner who had been in practice two years and began saving my articles as a student. He proudly exclaimed, "I have every one of your articles." What he did not realize is that he was missing more than three years worth of articles.
When I review the articles which have appeared in Dynamic Chiropractic since my introduction in the October 1, 1988 issue I realize they truly do contain a wealth of information. Many of these should be re-printed because since they deal with healing and acupuncture (meridian therapy), they are timeless. Most of these articles could be printed 200 years from now and still be current. It is my honor and privilege to have contributed these 87 articles for Dynamic Chiropractic over the last eight years. We have some exciting articles planned for 1997.
It is obvious after viewing the entire list of specific articles, it would be next to impossible to fill requests for reprints of all 87, however, we are more than happy to send reprints with a stamped, self-addressed, manilla envelope for no more than four articles from the following list. The following is the date and title of each article I have contributed to DC. How many of these do you have? I look forward to meeting you somewhere in the world!
- Nov. 1, 1988: "Acupuncture: Straights and Mixers -- You Have to Be Kidding"
- Dec. 1, 1988: "Enhancing Healing Effects"
- Jan. 1, 1989: "How Do You Say Tennis Ball in Chinese"
- Feb. 1, 1989: "Did D.D. Palmer Understand Acupuncture?"
- Mar. 1, 1989: "An Ancient Approach to Beating 20th Century Jet Lag"
- Apr. 1, 1989 "Cheating Time: An Ancient Approach to Beating 20th Century Jet Lag (Pt.II)
- May 1, 1989: "Yes, We Have an Opening in Six Months"
- Jun. 1, 1989: "Tennis (Elbow) Anyone?"
- Jul. 1, 1989: "So, When Are You Going to Have a Baby"?
- Aug. 1, 1989: "Stroke: A Report from the Shanghai Medical University"
- Sep. 1, 1989: "Last Week"
- Oct. 1, 1989: "Acupuncture (meridian therapy) for Everyone: Yes, Even You" (Pt. 1)
- Nov. 1, 1989: "Acupuncture (meridian therapy) for Everyone: Yes, Even You" (Pt. 2)
- Dec. 1, 1989: "Acupuncture (meridian therapy) for Everyone: Yes, Even You" (Pt. 3)
- Jan. 3, 1990: "Acupuncture: Korean Hand Acupuncture (part 4)
- Jan. 31, 1990: "Acupuncture: Korean Hand Acupuncture (part 5)
- Feb. 28, 1990: "Seven Years and Seven Months Ahead of Schedule" (Miracle Points)
- Mar. 28, 1990: "What Do I Do Now?"
- Apr. 25, 1990: "Now Hear This (Ear Acupuncture)" (Pt. 1)
- May. 23, 1990: "Now Hear This" (Pt. 2)
- Jun. 20, 1990: "Now Hear This" (Pt. 3)
- Jul. 18, 1990: "So What If You're Overweight, Smoking and Drinking Too Much?"
- Sep. 12, 1990: "The Most Important Notes of Acupuncture" (Pt. 1)
- Oct. 24, 1990: "The Most Important Notes of Acupuncture" (Pt. 1-A)
- Nov. 21, 1990: "The Most Important Notes of Acupuncture" (Pt. 2)
- Dec. 5, 1990: "China, You're Going to Love It!"
- Dec. 19, 1990: "The Most Important Notes of Acupuncture" (Pt. 3)
- Jan. 18, 1991: "The Most Important Notes of Acupuncture" (Pt. 4)
- Feb. 15, 1991: "1991 -- The Year of The Goat"
- Mar. 15, 1991: "Phoenix and Dragons and Tigers and Turtles, or How to Save a Life"
- Apr. 12, 1991: "Bubbling Spring"
- May. 10, 1991: "The Modalities of Acupuncture"
- Jun. 7, 1991: "Lasers: Have We Been Duped?"
- Jul. 5, 1991: "Call of the Wild"
- Aug. 2, 1991: "Sharing Chiropractic and Acupuncture in China"
- Sep. 1, 1991: "Aryuveda: The Next Frontier in Healing (Pt. 1)
- Sep. 27, 1991: "Aryuveda: The Next Frontier in Healing (Pt. 2)
- Oct. 25, 1991: "Miracle Baby"
- Nov. 22, 1991: "The Eclectic Frontal Headache Clinic"
- Dec. 20, 1991: "For Your Eyes Only"
- Jan. 17, 1992: "So When Are You Going to Have a Baby?" (reprint due to demand)
- Feb. 14, 1992: "Shotgun Acupuncture" -- Is It Okay?"
- Apr. 10, 1992: "Why Should I Learn Meridian Therapy?"
- May. 8, 1992: "Acupuncture and Emotions"
- Jun. 5, 1992: "Finally, Acupuncture Explained"
- Jul. 3, 1992: "Take It From -- 'Old Dad Chiro'"
- Jul. 31, 1992: "The Five Greatest Points Are (According to Amaro)"
- Sep. 1, 1992: "The Ease of Treating Addictions with Acupuncture"
- Sep. 25, 1992: "Acupuncture and Scope of Practice"
- Oct. 23, 1992: "Tricks of the Trade"
- Jan. 15, 1993: "Meridian Therapy Pain Management"
- Feb. 26, 1993: "Pain Management Points -- Illustrated"
- Apr. 9, 1993: "When the Student Is Ready the Teacher Shall Appear"
- May. 21, 1993: "The Chakras and the Flying Seven"
- Jul. 2, 1993: "K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simply Simple)"
- Aug. 13, 1993: "My Favorite Procedure"
- Sep. 24, 1993: "Pearls of Wisdom"
- Nov. 5, 1993: "The Governing Vessel (Du Mo) and Chiropractic!"
- Nov. 20, 1993: "The Best of Feeble Excuses"
- Dec. 17, 1993: "Asian Etiquette"
- Jan. 14, 1994: "Joyful Sleep"
- Feb. 25, 1994: "Supercharging the Immune System"
- Apr. 8, 1994: "Controlling Allergies"
- May. 20, 1994: "Warning! This Article Is Not for the Weak of Heart"
- Jul. 1, 1994: "Relieving Motion and Morning Sickness"
- Aug. 12, 1994: "The Most Notable Secret"
- Sep. 23, 1994: "Edema and Swelling -- What Can Be Done?"
- Oct. 7, 1994: "Dr. Amaro Responds to Criticism of DCs Practicing Acupuncture"
- Nov. 4, 1994: "The First 50 Words"
- Jan. 30, 1995: "The Importance of Intent"
- Mar. 13, 1995: "My Encounter with the 'Wolfboy'"
- Apr. 24, 1995: "The Mysteries of Chinese Qigong"
- Jun. 5, 1995: "Why Acupuncture Now?"
- Jul. 17, 1995: "How I Almost Blew It"
- Sep. 1, 1995: "Acupuncture or Meridian Therapy: Are They the Same?"
- Oct. 9, 1995: "The Joys of Sex"
- Nov. 20, 1995: "Contemporary or Traditional Chinese Medicine?"
- Jan. 1, 1996: "Beyond Ginseng: The New Popularity Explosion of Chinese Herbs"
- Feb. 12, 1996: "Welcome to 1996: The Year of the Rat"
- Mar. 25, 1996: "Life: The Rules"
- May. 6, 1996: "Cerebral Acupuncture (for Neurological Syndromes)
- Jun. 17, 1996: "The "XI" Cleft Points"
- Jul. 29. 1996: "Hua Tuo, Mei Hua, and Palmer -- Chiropractic's Asian Connection"
- Sep. 12, 1996: "Now That We Have It, What Are You Going to Do about It?"
- Oct. 21, 1996: "Inflammation and Acupuncture"
- Dec. 2, 1996: "Don't Get Your Feet Wet, You'll Get a Cold: The Environmental Factors of Acupuncture"
- Jan. 14, 1997: "Confucius Says"
John Amaro, DC, FIACA, Dipl.Ac.
P.O. Box 1003,
Carefree, AZ 85377