
I.Q. -- Interesting Quote

Editorial Staff

MDs Should Keep an Open Mind

Speaking at the Third World Congress of Medical Acupuncture and Natural Medicine, Dr. David Eisenberg, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, made this comment about health care professionals working together:

"Mutual respect and cooperation between conventional and complementary medical practitioners can generate trust and mutual curiosity ... If they collaborate on treating patients it may lead to better collaboration and use of health care resources."
Dr. Eisenberg, the co-author of a major study on the prevalence, cost, and patterns of use of unconventional medicine in the U.S. (N Engl J Med 1993; 328: 246-252), was the first medical exchange student sent to China in the early 1980s by the National Academy of Science.


Spencer MH. Physicians should keep an open mind on complementary health care, Congress says. Can Med Assoc J, December 15, 1995;153(12).

February 1997
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