In a landmark development, Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has reached a $2.8 billion settlement to resolve antitrust claims brought by health care providers, including chiropractors. The lawsuit accused BCBS of dividing the nation into exclusive regions and limiting competition, which resulted in lower reimbursements for providers. Although BCBS denies any wrongdoing, the company agreed to the settlement to avoid lengthy litigation – and you can get a piece of the pie.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Part IV: Journals, Books, Tapes, Publications and Much More
It has been a pleasure writing the fibromyalgia syndrome series. The response to the series was great with letters, faxes and e-mail arriving from everywhere. Judging from the letters, quite a few chiropractors passed along the DC articles to their appreciative patients.
As expected, the most common requests I received were, "I am a fibromyalgia sufferer. Where can I get more information about ..." and "I treat fibromyalgia patients and I would like more information about ..."
Hence, it is fitting that we end the fibromyalgia syndrome series with a discussion of valuable FM resources.
Books and Journals
Journal Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Quarterly publication; $36 annual subscription
Haworth Medical Press 1-800-342-9678
Chronic Muscle Pain Syndrome
By Paul Davidson, MD. Covers history, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options. Available at book stores or from Healthroad Publications, P.O. Box 2176, Stateline NV 99449. Cost is $5.50 + $3.00 shipping.
Fibromyalgia: Managing the Pain
By Mark Pellegrino, MD. 87-page fibromyalgia syndrome informational book. $14.95, Anadem Publishing, 3620 North High Street, Columbus, OH, 43214, 800-633-0055.
The Fibromyalgia Survivor Dr. Pellegrino's gives specific advice and tips on every aspect of living your life to the fullest:
- overcoming fatigue;
- managing flare-ups;
- traveling with fibromyalgia;
- working with fibromyalgia;
- monitoring your pain;
- handling the holidays;
- keeping house with fibromyalgia;
- starting your day ... and much more.
Solving the Puzzle of CFS
By Murray Susser, MD and Michael Rosenbaum, MD. 170 page book -- $28. Write Dr. Murray Susser, 2730 Wilshire Blvd #110, Santa Monica, CA 94043.
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Living with Invisible Chronic Illness
By Paul J. Donoghue, PhD and Mary Siegel, PhD. $22.95; 1-800-233-4830.
The Fibromyalgia Syndrome
By Mary Anne Saathoff, RN. A booklet describing FMS clearly, and in-depth -- $4. Order from: Central Ohio FMS Assn., P.O. Box 21988, Columbus, OH 43221, 614-457-4222.
We Laughed, We Cried: Life with Fibromyalgia
Anthology of articles, poems, drawings and photographs. To order: KMK Associates, P.O. Box 60246, Palo Alto, CA 94306. $12 plus shipping. Profits are donated to FMS research.
The Truth about TMJ: How to Help Yourself
By Jennifer Hutchinson. 205 page book. $16. Order from Remhardt & Still Publishers, 1-800- 303-2244.
Tapes and Videos
Audiocassette Program on Fibromyalgia
Covers treatment and research taped during a patient education forum by the Greater Chicago Arthritis Foundation. Tapes are $15. Write to: Arthritis Foundation, Research Cassettes, 111 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 1929, Chicago, IL 60601.
Fibromyalgia: What Do We Know
Thirty-minute video on coping with FMS as described by patients who are successfully managing their illness. Reviews sleep disorders, treatment, medications, exercise, stress management and other pain remedies. $19.95. FM Assn. of BC, P.O. Box 15455, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 5B2.
Understanding the Fibromyalgia
Patient Video featuring Dr. Dana Trotter, rheumatologist. 70 min. $29.95. Call 1-900-229-8433.
Fibromyalgia Stretch Video
This video offers a comprehensive stretching regimen developed by exercise physiologist Sharon Clark, PhD, FNP, specifically for people with FMS. FMS patients are shown demonstrating this unique program. $19.95 plus $5 for shipping. National Fibromyalgia Research Association, P.O. Box 500, Salem, OR, 97308. All proceeds benefit FMS research.
Fibromyalgia and You
This landmark video features FMS patients and many of the leading FMS experts including: Robert Bennett, MD; Laurence Bradley, PhD; Carol Burckhardt, PhD; Xavier Caro, MD; Sharon Clark, PhD; I. Jon Russell, MD, PhD; Muhammad Yunus, MD; and more. $34.95. Fibromyalgia Information Resources, P.O. Box 690402, San Antonio, TX, 78269.
Fibromyalgia: A Network Newsletter
(Other books and publications also available)
Box 31750
Tucson, AZ 85751
Fibromyalgia Times
$25 membership; free info packet available.
PO Box 20408
Columbus, OH 43221-0990
Inland NW FM News
$15 requested
Inland Northwest Fibromyalgia Assoc.
9209 E. Mission, Ste B
Spokane, WA 99206
Arizona Newsletter
Fibromyalgia Network
PO Box 31750
Tucson, AZ 85751-1750
Fibromyalgia Clinic Kentfield Rehab Newsletter
Write to:
Susan Jensen
Fibromyalgia Clinic Kentfield Rehab Outpatient Center II
25 Sir Francis Drake Blvd Kentfield,
CA 94904 415-485-3530
The FMS Ohio Newsletter
Mary Anne Saathoff, RN, FMS patient and editor. A quarterly publication addressing FMS coping strategies as well as up to date information. Cost: $15 annual subscription. The FMS Ohio Newsletter, P.O. Box 21988, Columbus, OH, 43221 or call 1-614-457-4222.
The CFIDS Chronicle
A quarterly publication aimed at reporting the most current CFIDS/FMS research information. Other publications available as well as information about the association and member benefits. Write to: The CFIDS Association of America, Inc., P.O. Box 220398, Charlotte, NC 28222-0398, phone: 1-800-442-3437.
Fibromyalgia Frontiers
A quarterly membership publication of the Greater Washington, D.C. Fibromyalgia Association. Information regarding FMS research advances, treatment ideas, conventions and resources. Cost: $21 annual membership fee. Fibromyalgia Frontiers, 14203 Valley Drive, Woodbridge, VA 22191-1531.
FM Forum
The quarterly publication of the Fibromyalgia Association of British Columbia, Canada. Includes FMS research information and self-help articles. Other publications and membership information available. Cost: $20 for one year membership. Write to: FM Forum, P.O. Box 15455, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 5B2.
Tender Points
The newsletter for the Ontario Fibromyalgia Association. 250 Bloor Street East, Suite 901 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 3P2 Four issues yearly; $17.
Rocky Mountain FMS/CFS Newsletter
$10 a year
C/O 980 West 7th Avenue
Broomfield, CO 80020
To Your Health, Inc.
Features vitamins and health products developed specially for those conditions. Health Points, their newspaper, also features articles on nutritional supplementation and finding appropriate complementary and medical treatment as well. Call 1-800-801-1406, or write: To Your Health, Inc., 11809 Nightingale Circle, Fountain Hill, AZ 85268.
Handbooks, Guides and Brochures
Taking Charge of Fibromyalgia
170 page handbook for the patient and health care professionals interested in gaining knowledge and control of FMS. To order, call 612-473-6218 or write: Fibromyalgia Educational Systems, Inc., 500 Bushaway Road, Wayzata, MN 55391.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Young People A
60-page guide for parents by Kristin Thorson Best. Information available for families and young people. Write to: Fibromyalgia Network, P.O. Box 31750, Tucson, AZ 85751 or call 1-800-853-2929
Chronic Illness and Uncertainty: A Personal and Professional Guide to Poorly Understood Syndromes
By Don Goldenberg, MD Published by Dorset Press, 1997 Phone: (617) 243-5005
When Muscle Pain Won't Go Away: The Relief Handbook for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Muscle Pain
Gayle Backstrom, with B.R. Rubin, DO, FACP. $12.95 + $3.50 shipping. Write to: 2212 Ft. Worth Drive, #94, Denton, TX 76205.
Physician Education Brochure
The NIH sends out free information packets on FMS. Each packet contains reprint articles from peer-reviewed medical journals. Send FM network a self-addressed stamped envelope with 75 cents postage to receive your free copy. P.O. Box 31750, Tucson, AZ 85751-1750.
NIAMS Information Brochure
Free packet with lists of organizations concerned with FMS, a glossary, fact sheet and other articles. Write to: NIAMS, P.O. Box AMS, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome: An Information Guide for FMS Patients, Their Families, Friends and Employers
By Robert Bennett, MD. FMS diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology, and exercise information. First one free with stamped envelope or 50 copies for $8. Write the National Fibromyalgia Research Assn., PO Box 500, Salem, OR 97308.
Rocky Mountain FMS/CFS
Support Foundation Resource line 303-688-0727. Information packet upon request for new patients and health care professionals.
Foundations and Organizations
American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association
This nonprofit organization is dedicated to raising funds for research. The AFSA has over 450 abstracts on FMS/CFS/MPS available for $30, with the proceeds going to research. To order, write: AFSA, 6380 E. Tanque Road, Suite D, Tucson, AZ 85715.
Seattle Fibromyalgia International Team, Inc.
SFIT works with all organizations. For resource information, please write or call: P.O. Box 77373 Seattle, WA 98177 Phone: 206-362-2310
Arthritis Network
Cost: $15
P.O. Box 31750
Tucson, AZ 85751-1750
520-290-5508 or 1-800-853-2929
Fibromyalgia Association of Central Texas
2505 Western Dr
Garland, TX 74042-5650
Fibromyalgia Frontiers
Fibromyalgia Association of Greater Washington
13203 Valley Drive
Woodbridge, VA 22191-1531
Voice Mail: 703-790-2324; Fax: 703-494-4103
Fibromyalgia Network
Cost: $19
P.O. Box 31750
Tucson, AZ 85751-1750
520-290-5508 or 1-800-853-2929
National Fibromyalgia Research Association
P.O. Box 500
Salem, OR 97308
Centers For Disease Control Recorded info on CFS: 404-332-4555. The Centers for Disease Control also mails out a free booklet on CFIDS.
National CFS Association
3521 Broadway, Suite 2
Kansas City, MO 64111
Massachusetts CFIDS Association
Info about children and adolescents.
808 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02154
CFIDS Foundation
5 Mission Street, Suite 425
San Francisco, CA 94103
FMS Sites on the World Wide Web
- Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation, Research and Training Center [url=][/url]
- Sapient Health Network online reference source
- Arthritis Foundation
- British Columbia Fibromyalgia Society
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Information for Physicians (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health) [url=][/url]
- The Facts about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) [url=][/url]
- The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Comprehensive Approach to its Definition and Study Fukuda K, MD, MPH; Straus SE, MD; Hickie I, MD, FRANZCP; Sharpe MC, MRCP, MRC Psych; Dobbins JG, PhD; Komaroff A, MD; and the International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group. Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol. 121, Number 12. [url=][/url]
- CFIDS/Fibromyalgia Directory
- Fibromyalgia Association of Greater Washington, Inc. This new site has information on fibromyalgia and social security disability benefits, an issue of importance to many who suffer from fibromyalgia. [url=][/url]
- Fibromyalgia Resources From the Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation Research and Training Center. [url=][/url]
- To Your Health This site is "a resource catalog" for those with fibromyalgia. [url=][/url]
- National Fibromyalgia Research Association
- Research on CFS From around the world from the 1998 conference in Sydney, Australia. [url=][/url]
- The Virtual Medical Center: CFS
Up-to-date information, support groups, and more.
If You Did Not Find What You Were Looking for
Fortunately, the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic library has compiled one of the most complete collections of FS materials for the doctor and their patients, friends and family.
Ask the librarian (Tel: 562-947-8755, Fax: 562-902-3323) to send you the following sections from the FMS resource collection.
- catalogues, videos, books, newsletters;
- online resources;
- support groups;
- listserve resources.
Darryl D. Curl, DDS, DC
La Jolla, California