Ensuring Successful Goals
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Ensuring Successful Goals (Now That You’ve Set Them)

Dr. Daniel Dahan
  • Make sure that on a timely basis, you take stock of where you are regarding your goals.
  • Another critical component to succeeding with your goals is to have “enough reasons.”
  • Continue to remind yourself of the benefits and rewards of reaching your goals. Visualize your success to keep motivated.

Editor’s Note: This is the second article in a series by Dr. Dahan on improving your chiropractic clinic. His first article discussed how to set compelling goals that lead to success.

In my first article in this series [August issue], I discussed setting goals, which is one of the most important elements to achieving true, lasting success. However, to ensure great results you will need self-preparation.

The Power of Self-Preparation

Self-preparation is a discipline that has two benefits. The first is that it moves you toward your goal. Now that you have made up your mind that you need to proceed, and you now know the direction you want to go, you must take action! Know that by getting ready to achieve your goals, you are getting closer to them.

The second major benefit to self-preparation is that it refuels your mission. Whatever accomplishments you reach today, prepare you for a better tomorrow. To keep moving forward, you must keep your ambition alive. Because of life’s constant challenges, many people live in the past and feel held back by past failures.

Psychologists often recommend to their patients that to overcome any nagging negative voices in your mind, you need to “read and spell out” your goals and ambitions out loud, because speech reveals that which is hidden in your mind and thoughts, and therefore creates a positive momentum that helps you rise to the occasions. Hence, by clearly expressing your goals, your mind will be subconsciously reinforced, which will help you resolve your actions.

Now, self-preparation entails several more crucial steps:

Assess Your Current Situation

Make sure that on a timely basis, you take stock of where you are regarding your goals. Remember, don’t let yourself be held back by your past inadequacies or failures. Now is the time to commit to new heights by setting proper attainable goals based on sound and reasonable achievements, irrespective of past failings.

I once read about Herb Paul Brooks, the American hockey player and coach in the ‘80s who won a gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games. An important step toward that medal came in a shock victory against the Soviet Union that became known as the “Miracle on Ice.” He was known as a ruthless coach, demanding that his team push themselves to the highest limits.

Once his frustrated team complained, “How long can we suffer with this training?” Brooks responded, “Until you realize that the name on the front of your shirt is more important than the name on the back of your shirt! This is resilience of the highest order.

Have Enough Reasons

Another critical component to succeeding with your goals is to have “enough reasons.” If you have enough reasons, you can do the most incredible things. Reasons will change your life. Reasons come first and answers come second.

Typically, in life, you don’t get answers to do well until you get the reasons. And for each one the reasons are varied and dependent on your life current standing.

Make Sure Your Ambitions Are Real

Just as there are methods for determining the amount of gasoline in an automobile’s tank or the wear depth on a tire, I think there are methods for assessing your ambitions and goals’ successes. All you need to do to apply these strategies is make the commitment to be completely honest with yourself.

This kind of ruthless honesty may hurt at first, but you must accept that it is unlikely you can attain actual success unless you are willing to pay the price.

Acquire a Mentor

To determine the skills and knowledge required to reach your goals, you may need to take courses, attend seminars or workshops, read more books, etc. Once you have clearly identified and “honestly” acknowledged your weaknesses, find a mentor to improve these skills and help you reach your full potential.

A well-trained professional mentor will assist you in genuinely pinpointing your weaknesses and then break down these shortcomings. After proper analysis, your mentor will design an organized, developmental, step-by-step plan to make the necessary changes to improve your life.

Over the past many years, I have met numerous doctors who have literally quadrupled their income within a reasonable time frame by creating and implementing well-designed achievement plans. These results were not based on age, location, race, creed or gender, but on their personal, unadulterated commitment to change.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Understand “why” perseverance is essential. Some people present a vision of the world describing some of the unfortunate characteristics of the world and therefore claim, “What’s the use? Why try so hard?” Although there are certainly many things in the world that need to be improved, I am asking you to focus on the following questions:

Who are you working for besides yourself? Who is depending on you? Who will benefit if you persevere and succeed?” Is it your family, a spouse or partner, children, parents?

Even if you’re a single person and just starting out in your career, you must think of reasons to persevere and succeed that go beyond your personal needs. Maybe you can share your financial success with institutions that helped you be the person you are today.

This sharing doesn’t have to be limited to money, either. If you acquire better skills, you now can share your time and knowledge and help the world become a better place than it was when you first got here.

Stay Motivated

Continue to remind yourself of the benefits and rewards of reaching your goals. Visualize your success to keep motivated. As a matter of fact, success is one of the best forms of motivation. Psychologists call this “positive reinforcement,” which helps you build good habits and create the energy to fuel additional achievement.

Wouldn’t you rather live a productive life than one filled with endless tasks that provide little results? Of course! When your goals are well-defined and kept in mind, you may work smarter, rather than harder. You will understand that a life of living stems from a life of balance.

To maintain that balance, let me share with you a vital method I learned from one of my mentors and that you can implement in your life to help keep you on track. This strategy is known as “visual chain thinking.

Ambitious people understand that each step toward their goals is not a single step. Each discipline is not a single discipline. Each project is not a single project. They regard everything they do and every discipline they follow as a link in a series of events and acts that will take them to their ultimate goal. Every action and discipline completed today represents a link in the chain. Every activity and discipline completed tomorrow forms a new bond.

Having clear intentions for your work, family, assets, and wealth is the first step toward creating your visual chain of thought. Your visual chain consists of your goals and plans. Before you arrive, you are aware of your destination.

I find it amusing that everyone recognizes the value of planning a strategy before a basketball or football game. Every professional team in the world has a strategy before they start a match. However, very few professional health care practitioners actually take the time to plan out a strategy like this for their lives.

Practical Takeaway

By taking these steps and understanding the reasons behind perseverance and discipline, coupled with a positive attitude, you will better prepare yourself on the journey to accomplish your goals. Just remember, to benefit from the reward of your successes, you will need consistent effort, ongoing learning, and dedication to your goals.

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October 2024
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