2015 Webinars

Past Webinars

Female Endocrine Cycle and the Microbiome

Original Air Date: December 09, 2015

Sponsored by Systemic Formulas Inc. Systemic Formulas Inc.
Dr. Shayne Morris, Ph.D, C.N.S.

Dr. Shayne Morris, Ph.D, C.N.S.

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Comprehensive PMS Support and the interplay of herbalomic prebiotics
  • PeriMenopause Patient testing and psychological changes
  • Menopause Symptom Relief
  • Post Menopause Microbiome Maintenance
  • Estrogen Dominance/Progesterone Deficiency

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How Laser Therapy Can Benefit Every Patient In Your Practice

Original Air Date: November 11, 2015

Sponsored by K-Laser USA K-Laser USA
Phil Harrington, DC, CMLSO, FASLMS

Phil Harrington, DC, CMLSO, FASLMS

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Incorporating laser therapy in your practice
  • Communicating the value of laser therapy to patients
  • Latest laser therapy science and studies
  • Integrating laser therapy with your current techniques

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Forget What You Know About Probiotics: The Latest Research on Nature’s True Probiotics

Original Air Date: October 28, 2015

Sponsored by Physicians Exclusive: MegaSporeBiotic Physicians Exclusive: MegaSporeBiotic
Kiran Krishnan, MicroBiologist, Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Tom Bayne, DC, President of Physicians Exclusive

Kiran Krishnan, MicroBiologist, Chief Scientific Officer
Dr. Tom Bayne, DC, President of Physicians Exclusive

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • New understanding on the form & function of probiotics and gut commensal organisms
  • Latest news from Human Microbiome Project and the new understanding of the gut microbiota
  • Why 95% of products don't qualify as "probiotics" - Issues with current probiotic preparations
  • Spores - Nature's design for a true probiotic
  • Protect your time and income: How a one-of-a-kinda probiotic product can change your practice

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Making the New Codes Work: A Look at ICD-10 after the Transition

Original Air Date: October 14, 2015

Sponsored by HJ Ross Company HJ Ross Company
Sam Collins, Director of HJR Insurance Information Network

Sam Collins, Director of HJR Insurance Information Network

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • ICD-10: What are the roadblocks chiropractors are facing using the new codes
  • A look ahead, what the future holds for diagnostic codes and how to maximize their potential now
  • Case studies and specific examples using ICD-10
  • Common questions and expert solutions for using the new code set

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The Gallup-Palmer College of Chiropractic Report on Americans’ Perceptions of Chiropractic

Original Air Date: October 07, 2015

Sponsored by Palmer College of Chiropractic Palmer College of Chiropractic
Dennis Marchiori, D.C., Ph.D., Chancellor, Palmer College of Chiropractic William Meeker, D.C., M.P.H., President, Palmer College of Chiropractic San Jose Campus

Dennis Marchiori, D.C., Ph.D., Chancellor, Palmer College of Chiropractic
William Meeker, D.C., M.P.H., President, Palmer College of Chiropractic San Jose Campus   

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Results of the Gallup-Palmer report on U.S.-adults' perceptions of chiropractic
  • Ramifications of these findings for the chiropractic profession
  • The importance of patient education in surmounting barriers to chiropractic care

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Musculoskeletal Laser Therapy Webinar: Integrated Clinical Protocols

Original Air Date: September 30, 2015

Sponsored by Erchonia Corporation Erchonia Corporation


Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Discuss clinical breakthroughs in laser therapy
  • Elucidate laser protocols for musculoskeletal injuries
  • Summarize the pathogenesis of the cumulative trauma disorder
  • Assess Neurodynamic tests and corrective laser protocols
  • Summarize laser therapy for cell membrane health

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Can Lasers Really Treat the Brain and Spinal Cord? A Review of the Literature

Original Air Date: September 16, 2015

Sponsored by Pivotal Health Solution Pivotal Health Solution
Curtis Turchin, DC, MA

Curtis Turchin, DC, MA

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • The science behind treating the brain and spinal cord;
  • Research that substantiates the value of treating the Central Nervous System;
  • Practical advice regarding how to use a variety of higher and lower power lasers to treat the CNS;
  • Other natural therapies that have been shown to stimulate the CNS.

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Know Your Practice to Grow Your Practice: The 12 Most Meaningful Practice Metrics

Original Air Date: September 02, 2015

Sponsored by VitaLogics Software VitaLogics Software
Dr. Stephen Franson, CEO The Remarkable Practice

Dr. Stephen Franson, CEO The Remarkable Practice

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Discover the Science of Tracking New Patients and Never Lose Attraction
  • Gain Insights on the Secrets Behind Measuring Conversion
  • Learn how and why you must measure and master your conversion rates
  • Enjoy better conversions, compliance and collections and most importantly - Peace of Mind
  • You can't grow your practice until you know your practice

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LIFESTYLE MEDICINE: MD’s Are Leading The Charge In A New Wellness Field. HINT: Offering This Service Gets You More New Patients

Original Air Date: August 19, 2015

Sponsored by Chiropractic Association of Lifestyle Medicine (C.A.L.M.) and Greens First Chiropractic Association of Lifestyle Medicine (C.A.L.M.) and Greens First
Dr. Donald L. Hayes, D.C.

Dr. Donald L. Hayes, D.C.

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Learn How MD's are Leading the Wellness Movement & How Chiropractors Can Take Charge Using Lifestyle Medicine
  • Avoid Being Left Out of the Lifestyle Medicine Movement & Turn It Into An Opportunity for New Patients
  • Discover How Simple Lifestyle Medicine Screenings Attract 3-5 New Patients Per Week & Increase Nutrition Revenues
  • Learn How Lifestyle Medicine Enhances Chiropractic Care By Screening all Existing Patients
  • Find Out How an Easy Evidence Based Objective Test Confirms the Need for Lifestyle Medicine & Chiropractic Care

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Discover The 4 Pillars of Online Marketing

Original Air Date: August 05, 2015

Sponsored by Online Chiro Online Chiro
Scott Zaleski - Online Marketing Expert

Scott Zaleski - Online Marketing Expert

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Keywords - Too Many, Too Few?
  • Content - How Much Do I Need?
  • Local Directories - How Do They Support My Site?
  • Social Media - I Don't Have Time, Is It Necessary?
  • Calls to Action - Encourage Engagement

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How the Body’s Clock Increases Disease Risk: 7 Key Supplements Preventing Age-Related Disease and Prolonging Functional Life

Original Air Date: July 22, 2015

Sponsored by Adeeva Nutritionals Adeeva Nutritionals
Dr. James Meschino DC, MS

Dr. James Meschino DC, MS

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Healthy Aging/Longevity
  • Prevent and Reverse High Blood Pressure
  • Cancer Prevention
  • Prevent Cartilage Erosion
  • Prevent/Reverse Prostate Enlargement
  • Prevent/Reverse Osteoporosis

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Strategies for Stress: Jing, Qi & Shen - Hormones, ATP & Neurotransmitters

Original Air Date: July 08, 2015

Sponsored by Biotics Research Corporation Biotics Research Corporation
Dr. Glenn Wilcox, DOM, MSOM, Dipl OM (NCCAOM)

Dr. Glenn Wilcox, DOM, MSOM, Dipl OM (NCCAOM)

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Genetic, Epigenetic & Societal Roots
  • Qi & ATP – Molecular Qi
  • Jing & The Hormone Symphony
  • Shen & Neurotransmitters
  • Herbal & Supplement Strategies

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A Stress-Free ICD-10 Transition

Original Air Date: June 10, 2015

Sponsored by VitaLogics VitaLogics
John Davila, DC

John Davila, DC

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • The secrets to ICD-10 documentation
  • Learn how to pick the best codes to maximize reimbursement
  • Learn the keys to substantiating medical necessity with ICD-10

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7 Steps to a Turn-Key Weight Loss System in Your Chiropractic Office

Original Air Date: May 27, 2015

Sponsored by DoctorsGoldMine.com DoctorsGoldMine.com
Dr. Todd Singleton Nancy Singleton

Dr. Todd Singleton and Nancy Singleton

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • What Does Weight Loss Have to do with Chiropractic
  • Weight Loss and Nutrition for Your Patients
  • Weight Loss Therapies
  • How Staff Can Help
  • Weight Loss Systems and Management

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Assessing Nutritional Needs with an Acupuncture and Chiropractic Perspective

Original Air Date: May 13, 2015

Sponsored by Biotics Research Corporation Biotics Research Corporation
Gregory W. Peterson, DC, DABCI, FIAMA, FIACA, CCST

Gregory W. Peterson, DC, DABCI, FIAMA, FIACA, CCST

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Utilizing the Back-Shu or Associated Points in the assessment of the specific nutritional needs of a patient
  • How do the acupuncture Associated or Shu points relate to subluxation-grounded chiropractic?
  • The Role of Nutrition in a Subluxation-based Chiropractic Practice
  • Utilizing Mu or Alarm points in the assessment in the specific nutritional needs of a patient
  • Chapman points and how they relate to the above and their application to determine the unique and specific nutritional requirements of a patient

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Forget What You Know About Probiotics: The Latest Research on Nature’s True Probiotics

Original Air Date: April 29, 2015

Sponsored by Physicians Exclusive: MegaSporeBiotic Physicians Exclusive: MegaSporeBiotic
Dr. Thomas Bayne, DC Kiran Krishnan, Microbiologist

Dr. Thomas Bayne, DC
Kiran Krishnan, Microbiologist

Topics include:

  • New understanding on the form & function of probiotics and gut commensal organisms
  • Latest news from Human Microbiome Project and the new understanding of the gut microbiota
  • Why 95% of products don't qualify as "probiotics" - Issues with current probiotic preparations
  • Spores - Nature's design for a true probiotic
  • Protect your time and income: How a one-of-a-kinda probiotic product can change your practice

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Advances in Topical Analgesic Absorption

Original Air Date: April 15, 2015

Sponsored by Hope Science Hope Science
Dr. Kim Vanderlinden, President & Founder

Dr. Kim Vanderlinden, President & Founder

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Osteoarthritis Research Results
  • Models used in Osteoarthritis research
  • Soft tissue and bone restoration research findings
  • Origins of Esterified Fatty Acids in Orthopedics
  • How true absorption through the skin is determined

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Launch Your Associate into Instant Success and Profit

Original Air Date: April 01, 2015

Sponsored by Five Star Management Five Star Management
Dr. Noel Lloyd

Dr. Noel Lloyd

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

You'll Learn How To:

  • Get the right associate for your practice.
  • Get the extra income you deserve.
  • Get the help you need just the way you want it.
  • Get the freedom you've never had in the Single Doctor Model.
  • Avoid the rookie mistakes that will kill your associate program.

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Take Aim at Back Pain

Original Air Date: March 18, 2015

Sponsored by Erchonia Corporation Erchonia Corporation
Jerome Rerucha, DC

Jerome Rerucha, DC

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:

  • Back Pain in America: Statistics and Data
  • Crisis of Back Pain
  • Review Proven, FDA Cleared Back Pain Laser
  • Low Back Pain (Anatomy Of Specific Diagnosis)
    • Soft tissue
    • Structure
    • Neurology
  • Back Pain Tx Laser Demonstration
    • Attended Laser Application
    • Unattended Laser Application
  • Apply The Advances Of Low Level Laser Therapy In A Progressive Chiropractic Clinic

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Reversing Diabetes types 1.5, 2 and 3

Original Air Date: March 04, 2015

Sponsored by Systemic Formulas Inc. Systemic Formulas Inc.
Dr. Shayne Morris, PhD, CNS, MBA

Dr. Shayne Morris, PhD, CNS, MBA

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

This webinar will show you:

  • The 2 most Dangerous new types of Diabetes: types 1.5 and 3
  • How to Reverse Diabetes types 1.5, 2 and 3 with a FULLY integrative approach
  • What The Native Americans Knew: macro to micro
  • Diabetes number 1 hidden factor in the new diabetes: Bad Blood Lipids

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The Tech-Neck Epidemic: The NEW Extension Traction Therapy And Its Role In Treatment and Prevention

Original Air Date: February 04, 2015

Sponsored by Pivotal Health Solutions Pivotal Health Solutions
Jarrod Nichols, DC, CSCS

Jarrod Nichols, DC, CSCS

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Agenda at a glance:

  • Forward Head Posture (FHP) occurrences in the U.S. adult population.
  • Increased use of hand-held digital devices FHP (also known as "tech-neck") affecting children at an alarming rate.
  • General public awareness of 'tech-neck' epidemic and solutions.
  • FHP as a major contributing factor in the most common conditions treated in clinical practice today.
  • True structural correction and subsequent long-term relief can only be achieved through the addition of extension traction therapy.
  • Extension traction therapy changes to soft tissues in a controlled fashion in order to allow the spine to regain its normal structural curve.
  • Learn how adding cervical extension traction therapy to any existing treatment protocol can significantly improve long-term outcomes in patients with the following symptoms related to FHP and reduced cervical lordosis: Headaches, migraines, neck pain, upper back pain, TMJ disorders, thoracic outlet syndrome, shoulder pain/dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more.

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How to Attract More Patients Online

Original Air Date: January 07, 2015

Sponsored by ChiroMatrix ChiroMatrix
Mary Jensen, ChiroMatrix

Mary Jensen, ChiroMatrix

Peter Crownfield, Executive Editor of Dynamic Chiropractic

Topics include:


  • Getting Found Online
  • Social Presence Impacts SEO
  • Video Marketing Tips
  • Using PPC to Get Results
  • Positively Impact Search Engine Rankings

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