
Terry Lemerond

Terry Lemerond is a natural health expert with more than 45 years of experience. He has owned health food stores, founded dietary supplement companies, and formulated over 400 products. A much-sought-after speaker and accomplished author, Terry shares his wealth of experience and knowledge in health and nutrition through his educational programs, including the Terry Talks Nutrition website, newsletters, podcasts, webinars, and personal speaking engagements. His books include Seven Keys to Vibrant Health and the sequel, Seven Keys to Unlimited Personal Achievement; and his newest publication, 50+ Natural Health Secrets Proven to Change Your Life.

Previous Articles

Zinc & Selenium: Big Benefits – But Are Patients Getting Enough?
February 1, 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 02)

Restoring Adrenal Health and Overall Vitality During Challenging Times
November 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 11)