
Robert Moberg

Robert Moberg is a seasoned and tenured business professional with a solid combination of corporate and entrepreneurial business experience. As CEO, he has helped establish ChiroTouch ([url=][/url]) not only as a trailblazer in the software industry within the chiropractic community, but also as a stalwart leader in the profession. His commitment to chiropractic is not only evident in the innovations ChiroTouch brings practicing doctors, but also in the countless ways he has led the charge in giving back to the profession. From supporting state and national associations, to chiropractic colleges, to the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress, Robert works tirelessly to help raise awareness of chiropractic and the benefits only the profession can provide. 

Previous Articles

Avoiding Practice Madness: Hire Smartly, Fire Promptly

Data: The New Frontier in Health Care
August 15, 2015 (Vol. 33, Issue 16)

Is the EHR Ship Setting Sail Without Us?
September 1, 2014 (Vol. 32, Issue 17)

EHR Software: What You Need To Know Now

Federal Incentive Payments for Implementing EHR: Myth vs. Fact
September 9, 2012 (Vol. 30, Issue 19)