
Michelle Geller-Vino, CA

Michelle Geller-Vino, formerly president of MGV Marketing, has joined The Masters Circle as director of marketing services. She specializes in training chiropractic assistants in marketing techniques and provides both group and one-on-one training. She can be contacted at 800-451-4514 ext. 147 or via e-mail at


Previous Articles

Pet Peeves of Chiropractors
April 9, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 08)

Effective or Efficient?
February 26, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 05)

Simple Scripting: Worth a Million Bucks
June 17, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 13)

Passion = Productivity = Profit
March 26, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 07)

Fixing a "Leaky Bucket" in Your Practice
January 1, 2010 (Vol. 28, Issue 01)

The Simplicity of Patient Satisfaction
September 23, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 20)

Creating a "Wow" Experience for Your Patients, Part 2
July 15, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 15)

How to Give Patients a "Wow" Experience
July 1, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 14)

No-Shows Are Like Mosquito Bites: Very Annoying!
March 26, 2009 (Vol. 27, Issue 07)

Savvy Secrets of the Successful CA
September 23, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 20)

Reactivation: Lack of a Plan, Avoidance or Emergency?
July 1, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 14)

Are You the Best "Point Person" for Your Practice?
March 25, 2008 (Vol. 26, Issue 07)

Office Pet Peeves
December 17, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 26)

Five Office Challenges, Five Easy Solutions
September 24, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 20)

Believe It or Not, You Affect Your Practice’s Patient Retention
July 2, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 14)

How Will You Market Your Practice in 2007?
March 26, 2007 (Vol. 25, Issue 07)

Bedside Manner Matters
December 17, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 26)

How You Can Help Educate Your Practice Members
September 28, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 20)

Transform Yourself Into a New-Patient Magnet
June 6, 2006 (Vol. 24, Issue 12)

Do You Practice What You Preach?
September 27, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 20)

Be Decisive!
April 9, 2005 (Vol. 23, Issue 08)

Does Your Time Manage You?
November 30, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 25)

You Don't Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression
January 15, 2004 (Vol. 22, Issue 02)

Five Qualities of the Dynamic CA
September 24, 2003 (Vol. 21, Issue 20)