
Glenn Lombardi

Glenn Lombardi is the president of Officite LLC, a leading provider of customized Web sites and turnkey Internet marketing solutions for the health care community. A recognized thought leader in all areas of health care marketing, Glenn has spoken at more than 100 national and state health care conferences. With a decade of experience in the industry, he has authored numerous articles and is a frequent contributor on Internet marketing trends in health care publications. Dynamic Chiropractic has partnered with Officite to bring you DC Sitebuilder – professional Web site development and online marketing for DCs. For additional information, please visit or call (877) 887-4057."

Previous Articles

Use Facebook to Get New Patient Referrals

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Patient Reviews Management: Control Your Online Reputation

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May 6, 2011 (Vol. 29, Issue 10)

Use Your Web Site to Get More Patients