
Debra Brown Hagan

Debra Brown Hagan is CEO of the Florida Chiropractic Association and works with a staff team of 16 in the service of the association's 4,700 members. The FCA hosts the largest convention and exposition in chiropractic worldwide each August in Orlando, Fla. She can be contacted at or through"

Previous Articles

Connections Redefined: The Time Is Now
July 1, 2022 (Vol. 40, Issue 07)

Connect to Advance at The National
July 1, 2021 (Vol. 39, Issue 07)

Chiropractic: Open for Business
August 1, 2020 (Vol. 38, Issue 08)

Invest in Yourself at The National
June 1, 2019 (Vol. 37, Issue 06)

Renew Your Passion: The National
June 1, 2018 (Vol. 36, Issue 06)

Get Educated and Motivated at The National
July 1, 2017 (Vol. 35, Issue 07)