Being proactive vs. reactive with tax planning will have a tremendous impact on profitability and long-term wealth creation. Keep in mind, I am not a CPA and I am not giving tax advice. Rather, I’m passing on information that I learned as a practice owner and now implement in my financial planning practice. While not an exhaustive list, here are a few items to contemplate in 2025 as you watch the dollars in your practice.
Barbara Migliaccio
Previous Articles
U.S.-U.S.S.R. Fund-Raiser -- A Chiropractic Success Story
December 20, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 26)
1992 ECU Convention Hosted by Spanish Chiropractic Association
November 22, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 24)
Chiropractic Praised in the New York Times
August 2, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 16)
McCall's Magazine Praises Chiropractic
July 5, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 14)
Boston TV News -- Two Views of Chiropractic
April 12, 1991 (Vol. 09, Issue 08)
Chiropractic is the Cat's Meow in Phoenix
November 20, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 24)
Chiropractic in the Media
September 25, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 20)
Terry Schroeder, D.C. Captains U.S. Olympic Water Polo Team
September 1, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 18)
Shoe Company Retains Florida Chiropractor
September 1, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 18)
Florida Business Magazine Berates Chiropractic
July 31, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 16)
"American Gladiators" Are Fans of Chiropractic
July 17, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 15)
Cable TV Program Featuring ... Chiropractic
July 17, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 15)
Local Paper Honors Retiring DC with Front Page Story
May 22, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 11)
Medical Columnist's Fair Appraisal of Chiropractic
May 8, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 10)
DC Serves on East-West Shrine Game Sports Care Team
April 24, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 09)
Chiropractic Ultrasound Device Patented
April 24, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 09)
"Good Morning America" Reports on Chiropractic
April 10, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 08)
Consumer Reports On Health Assesses Chiropractic
April 10, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 08)
TCC to Induct Two to Hall of Honor
March 27, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 07)
USA Today Consults Chiropractor on Airline Seating
March 27, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 07)
AMA Programming to Air on NBC's Cable Channel
March 13, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 06)
Spanish America's Cup Team Appoints DCs as Crew Doctors
February 28, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 05)
Elvira Gonstead Dies at Age 90
January 31, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 03)
Canadians Move toward Establishing Practice Guidelines
January 3, 1992 (Vol. 10, Issue 01)
Chiropractic Puts U of Colorado Football Star Back on Feet
January 15, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 02)
Cowboys and Chiropractors
January 1, 1993 (Vol. 11, Issue 01)