
Anish Bajaj, DC

Dr. Anish Bajaj is a 2000 graduate of Life University and the owner of Bajaj Chiropractic in New York City. He serves on the executive board of the New York Chiropractic Council and is the chair of its Neuroscience and Research Committee. As a member of the Foot Levelers Speakers Bureau, he travels extensively, sharing his chiropractic knowledge and expertise with audiences around the country. He can be reached at

Previous Articles

Scoliosis: Finding Motion
December 1, 2023 (Vol. 41, Issue 12)

Health Care Innovation Starts With the Treatment Plan
December 1, 2022 (Vol. 40, Issue 12)

Chiropractic Implications on Sleep
June 1, 2022 (Vol. 40, Issue 06)